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Skylar Tobey Lang


Ask away cuties :*

108 Replies

What do you think is the best feeling in the world?

Being with the one person that just makes you smile, that gives you butterflies, that you just act like a complete idiot around, that makes your day everyday to bad I dun got one of those (n)

skylartobeylang replied 4194 days ago

Who is your favourite person?

Like ever? Probably Alex Kennedy or Tanna Yorke

skylartobeylang replied 4195 days ago

If there was anything in this world u have what would it b?


skylartobeylang replied 4195 days ago

Something you plan on never doing again?

Cutting my own hair

skylartobeylang replied 4199 days ago

If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?


skylartobeylang replied 4203 days ago

How big is your Dic*?

Couldn't tell ya

skylartobeylang replied 4205 days ago

What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?

Um everything

skylartobeylang replied 4206 days ago

isnt victoria a person you trust? I thought she was 'family' ?

I said Victoria, & she knows I trust her

skylartobeylang replied 4206 days ago

Do you still like nick?

HOLAY I can't even go 5 minutes without someone bringing this up like I'm trying to get over it thank you very much

skylartobeylang replied 4206 days ago

people u trust

Ashleigh Alex Simone Kendyl nick

skylartobeylang replied 4206 days ago

3 things that attracts you to a person?

Beauty eyes, fit, respects people

skylartobeylang replied 4207 days ago

maybe he's the prick for letting a girl grind all the f*** up on him? why is she the bad guy? f***

Alright hold up dont get your panties in a know

skylartobeylang replied 4210 days ago

she was acting like a huge slu* "and everything"
what is "and everything"
what is wrong with "acting like a huge slu*"

Who miley cyrus? Idk she was grinding with a married man & like I know she wasnt kissing his neck you could tell that part wAs fake but I get she's trying to express herself but like too much miley

skylartobeylang replied 4212 days ago

How do you tell someone they have bad breath?

you have bad breath

skylartobeylang replied 4212 days ago

thoughts on miley cyrus?

i get why everyone hates or doesnt like Miley Cyrus & stuff but dont compare her to Hannah Montana cause that was a show she was acting & she was like 16 on the show, she's 21 now but tell me more how every 21 year old doesnt do at least one stupid thing in their life like holy shi* ya i mean her VMA performances was friggen crazy & wierd but she's trying to express herself and make a statement that shes not some 16 year old popstar anymore she's her own person & can clearly do what she wants so give her a little space & let her express herself i mean you're probably 15 and want the freedom she has right just to do whatever you want and say forget everything lets party. but everyone grows up and she'll realize what she did & if she doesnt regret it then thats who she is you cant change her. no one can. just let her live her life the way she wants without all the judging. i mean ya she was acting like a huge slu* and everything on national tv but she also got paid thousands of dollars to be what she wants and be craazy. wouldnt you? and who cares if kids watch her. if they're smart enough they wont be like her, or theyll see wow shes a hoe bag dont be like her. but shes still a girl not an alien.

skylartobeylang replied 4213 days ago 1