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dont get offended by much have heard it all
why im so bored
not going to spiltmilk
probably my new history teacher miss moolman but miss Soloman also one of my favourites
money,gold,diamonds,more money, and whoever is the lead actress
meeting new people and lots of other things
the future the fact that i can be what i want and that i have full control over it and all the people i could possibly meet and the adventures that i might have but mainly THE btchES
been a rollercoaster ride man. but its BEEEN LIT AF
someone once said im not a slayer
crappy personality
thats a tough one probs go and buy all the latest sneakers then other essentials
uhmm came to fairmont was stuck in a class with people i didnt know some years later and we still friends
becoming a slayer
losing friends cant get over that easily
put my momma in a big crib, put some money away, give some to the family, then spoil myself with the rest
i love everybody but some more than others
i dunno
im in a good mood
hahah poes funny nahh i dont chys grade 10s not chysing anyway actually.
watching tv
rats hella scared of those