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Ask me anything ;D <3

118 Replies

hot boys you know?

theres a lot

sophie.duncan9 replied 4207 days ago

1 time in my english clas* there was a fly going around the room and it was annoying everyone and it came over to my desk and i caught it with my hand and like 15 ppl started clapping but i couldn’t get up to throw it in the trash because i had a boner

aw thats lovely.

sophie.duncan9 replied 4207 days ago 1 1

I swear to god you guys a lowlifes have nothing better to do. You can hate on me or Sophie as much as you want but I know she is better than you f*****s. And to whoever you are calling her a hoe Bit** takes one to know one

Thanks <3

sophie.duncan9 replied 4209 days ago

Just cause she has nothing wrong with her DOESN'T mean her life is perfect. No one has the right to tell you to harden up cause they don't know whats happened. All haters can get f***ed, they're obviously jealous if they can send pointless hate to you all day.

<3 cute I love you whoever you are <33

sophie.duncan9 replied 4209 days ago

oi. dont listen to thos haters. f*** them your beautiful :) <3

thankyou , so are you whoever you are <3

sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago

i want to have a slice of your v*****.

umm cool.

sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago

y not

just go away!!

sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago

u poke


sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago



sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago

you always go for guys outta your league. lol.

whos outa my league that i have gone for?

sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago



sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago



sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago

i think dotcom would fit into your Pu**y your that loose

um okaaay

sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago

Yes ino I'm not the prettiest , skinniest or nicest , but I do have feelings!! Ino I always put myself down but that's just me , no I'm not an attention seeker I just think I'm ugly, fat and useless and I don't know how to stop thinking that

i want attetion seeking , i was js....

sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago


how am i attention seeking and how am i a hoe?

sophie.duncan9 replied 4210 days ago