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Hahaha I do :p thanks to a beautiful person that got me hooked (they actually took my life away but whatever :p)
As long as you don't try & force it upon me or others that don't want to do it, I don't mind :)
As in for a relationship? Nahhhh I'm not :)
Yeah, I really do :) I'd love to have my own bub one day!
Happiness & peace :)
Thank-you :) Well I'm just taking life as it comes, never know what might happen down the track :)
Hahaha awh you cutie! Me too :p
Chuck me a message, perhaps? Seems like the simplest method, haha.
Ain't no name droppin' here, son.
I met that beast when I moved to her school in year 4. We were good friends, but surprisingly didn't become best friends until she moved to another school, & then all of a sudden we realised that we were both super awesome & have been best friends ever since. She mah number one biddy.
Comin' to get dat b**ty aye. Unfortunately, I don't even got da b**ty, soz anonsss.
Hahaha, it's "Shiel". Awkward as...
But he's a good one!
Awh.. that's so kind.
Yes & no I guess, tricky situation..
Yeah, for quite a while. Lots of things people don't know about me, haha
Woah, so weird, you must have known me for a while. Nah, I quit a while ago. Still tough sometimes though!
I'm guessing you don't really know her, because it's actually Jaaz Caddy ;) But she's a beautiful soul, one of my best friends & she's helped me through a lot of crap lately. I love that little f*****!
I'm assuming all these questions are from the same person. & I suppose so. But you never know that until you like them & then hopefully, you can learn from that..
I'm not dropping any names, if that's what you want. Obviously it was a person I had feelings for, but I don't kiss & tell.
Haha, yes, way too many times.
Not at all. Love is not to be bought but to be earned & trusted.
Yes, very much so. Sometimes too much..
I don't like being weak. I don't like being vulnerable.
I guess I need to be okay. & sometimes the people you want to care are the ones who never ask how you're going, so, what's the point in expression?
Always, Will you cutie!
Hahaha, this literally made my day, I laughed so much
Sheeeesh, so many questions! It just wasn't working, we weren't a good fit & it was clear, & I knew I had to end it. No, I definitely don't get in & out of relationships a lot. The last person I dated, which was about 10 months ago, was the first person I dated in probably 2 years..
I'm not sure, like, I could see myself letting that happen but I don't really know how they feel about that. Yeah, well, they should haha, I've told them before
Woahhh, ease up on the questions there good sir. It was about 9-10 months ago. Broke up because it wasn't a good fit/wasn't working. I haven't dated anyone since & have only liked one person since then & still doooo
My body & the fact that I go out of my way so much for my friends & always put them so far above me when they wouldn't think to do the same for me. I always end up having the whole world come tumbling down on me, & they don't even know. I love to help people, but sometimes it just gets too much & I end up wearing it
Honestly, I don't know. I used to think I have, even until recently, but now I'm not so sure. I guess if that's what love feels like though, I don't really want it, hah
Laugh with me, play with me, hold my hand, love me, have coffee dates with me, ask me how my day was, spend time to get to know all of me, & don't lie to me or play silly games with my heart. Bonus points to anyone who is sarcastic & gets my sense of humour :)
This is such a weird question, what even?
Haha ahhhhh I don't really want to put them on here for everyone to see. I don't want people using them against me either. I don't really think anyone knows my two biggest fears to be honest, ha
Pretty sure I know who this is ;) I honestly haven't thought about it too much to be honest. From family, an acoustic would be amazing, but from friends, I don't know! There are two pieces of jewellery I'd like though. I'm not really a jewellery girl but I'd really like a little silver music note on a silver chain necklace & I want to get a bracelet I have re-made with better quality as it's changing colour, but other than that, who knows. If you are who I think you are, your presence is more than enough ;) ;)
Umm, I don't really have one. Probably just black. I know technically it's a shade (shhh), but it goes with everything if I want to wear colour c:
Last night, but it wasn't a dream, more a nightmare.
Well I'm currently looking at my phone replying to this, so, no..
Either, depends what suits the person :) doesn't worry me if they have tattoos or not. Brown hair. Both are nice but I really love blue eyes! Older, definitely. Taller. I honestly do not care at all for six packs, haha. If you have one good for you, but if not, I really don't care, probably prefer it. I'll have to go with no six pack.
HAHA no, that was so unattractive, I can't even express my embarrassment right now. Not expecting to hear from the people that saw that ever again.
That's a good question
Yes, I would. Even though it would be like a punch to the uterus, I'd rather know than keep falling for them & find out some other way.
Getting with someone when you have a thing with someone?! That's just straight up wrong. It actually makes me feel sick. Just think about it, the person you really like & trust, the person you cuddle up to, fall asleep with, kiss good morning & goodnight, is doing the same thing with someone else behind your back. Can you imagine how that would feel? I would rather be alone than have that. :(
Yeah, I do. If you have a 'thing' with someone, then that person thinks that you are the only person they're interested in, & that they are the one you want. You trust them. So if one of you is off flirting with other people, then there's no trust & it's just leading the other person on. I know I'd be pretty upset to find out the person I'm interested in was doing this to me once we had kind of established what we were, if that makes sense? I don't think any of this makes sense, but oh well haha
Thanks anon, but I'm gonna have to go with a no on that one, sozzzz. But like eHarmony is supposed to be really good for meeting people? Idk, maybe give it a try?
Awh, I just think it's simple but nice & intimate :)
Just something simple. I don't know if it's really a date, but just sitting or laying with that someone, talking about anything & everything; getting to know the little details about each other. I mean fancy dates can be nice too, but being comfortable enough with each other to just be without all the fuss is nice.
I actually do, as cliche as that is. It's nice waking up to something; puts a smile on my face. & I don't just necessarily mean a message that says 'good morning', it could be telling me something, asking me something or something completely random. It's just nice, idk
Hahaha I'm not sure how spelling things correctly & you add up, but you know, whatever floats your boat! :p
Well I'm glad to have made you laugh anon :)
But seriously, that's what I would do.. no pretending here!
Well, what can I say? I'm a bit of a spelling & grammar Nazi. Hats off to you for knowing the correct spelling too, anon!
Smile & give them a big kisssssss. Then probably lean in & tell them really quietly how much I want to kill them with a big smile on my face :)
Yeah you thought that was gonna be cute, didn't you?
Haha, oh great answer! Personal life kept private :-)
Feet. Just, ugh. Don't.
It takes two people, one is not enough. It's far from simple, but it shouldn't be made tough. It can be rough and can be steady, but a being who leaves when it gets hard isn't ready. It is trust, honesty and understanding; far from lies and not demanding. It can be painful and sometimes scary, as it runs through your blood and deep in your heart. But the feeling it brings from a simple kiss on the cheek makes you never, ever want to part. (Yes I just wrote that & didn't realise it rhymed until heart, what the).
Oh, yeah. I'm always okay.
Oh, okay I guess. Yourself, anon?
The next weekend
Yeah one time I dropped an ice cream cone, that was pretty tragic
Cheers to you, anon!
Nothing yet, only just got up :)
I do, always singing
Honestly, I do not care about age gaps; I have no problem with them. However I know some people think differently, so I'm not judging anyone :-)
Yeah, it's fun :) I love adventures!
2 I think. Maybe 3, but I like the idea of 2.
Hahaha, look I have to be honest, this only happens with you. My face just doesn't photo, it's a curse D:
This is a really strange question haha :) I actually don't really take photos with my friends, but I really should. I always think back on things & wish I had photos to go with it! So I shall have to start taking photos, thanks anon :)
Not being willing to be spontaneous or change things up a little. Having everything planned down to the detail gets a little old & boring sometimes. I love spontaneity, it's fun :)
Well, I'm just going to say you haven't seen my body! Haha. & I'm just not comfortable with my body, but I'm working on it.
Well, yeah. Of course, I guess.
Are you... serious? This question makes me want to vomit, shoot my own ear off & curl up in the fetal position & cry, all at the same time
Oh I'm okay, as always
If you read that article & watched the video of the polar bear & didn't sign it, then I don't know what's wrong with you. That actually makes my heart ache & my stomach turn.
Maybe, not really up to talking right now. Why?
Haha :p don't know if you meant to put this on anon or not ;)
Pretty much. There's only been a couple I haven't answered
Ah, good question. Probably my kindness
Chinese. But that's because it makes me vomit :(
Haha of course not. I'm only going to kiss someone that I actually feel something for. I only want to kiss someone that I trust & feel won't hurt me.
Oh anon, thank-you. Too kind!
Haha, such a coincidence after the status I posted yesterday. But no one, I hate lying. Plus, I have not spoken to anyone today.
Unfortunately, yes
Everyone has.
Hello Teaghan ;) look, I'm still going to go with Batman... hehe
Oh, anon!