Sponono Retz Morake
was*up wit you datin famous pipo? Kapa u js a groupie?
so u been following my love life?
hobaneng o re o SethuaMajoe?
hoba ke sona...ke Ts'epe..ke Thua Majoe..........
why didnt you marry Josh? Kapa o tekatsa haholo hoo o tshabang commitment?
i ddnt want to
is it true what I hear? That you are lesbo?
you go ask whoever u heard from
hantle who's yr galfriend? Kholu Lieta kapa Lipalesa Mpemi?
both of em
hev u shagged Dallas T
not that its any of yr bizness..but NO!!!
hahaha! Che Hlalele... ! *redcheecks*
wassup wt u and Chocolate Soul?
the sky is up..das wassup
i love yr voice on radio! *not a question i knw*
hev u made out le cony?
iyoh! me n cony? *hidingundertable*
o ntso rata charlie?
ha keya mohloya
O lumelise laaitie ya hao,hw is he/she doin by da way?y did u name her 'Bontle'?
tla mdumedisa..she js turned 1 maobane... I named her that coz she potrys a lotta beauty
Cn i b ur frnd?
sure..y not?
molato oa manala joale.? stanmurashe
dats js my hand hle..wena molato wa seeta joale...lol
Anyone you friends with ob fb, know but not personaly, asen have never had a chat face to face, and you like a lot and wish your friendship would grow, would to spend time with... Anyone??? If so who??? Why??? Either male or female...
ae..potso ya ha e telelehore!!!! well ryt nw i hev none in mind
Can i have your numbers?
who's yr source of inspiration?
Rethabiseng Bontle Morake!!!
i think u pretty!!! m sorry i knw thats not a question bt js thot i shud let u knw
u straight?
hell no... i got boo*s,curves and a butt so m definately nt straight
y study law? i htnk media studies would suit that pweety face!
i js quit law hun.. m gon be studying broadcasting,radio n television ka march
so u and Bongani dating?
<3 <3 <3 .... l0l
i think u pretty...bt wa ikhantsha
na kea ikhant'sa? ache ha ke dumele ke ikhants'a
r u unhappy ryt nw?
H E L L N O ! !
do u hev regrets abt yr life?
not really, whats da point of regreting...its nt lyk amma change wats dne
wat is the most romantic thng ur bf has ever dne 4 u?
buy me a promise ring.. mxm! bt i threw it away \\\ too bad m no longer wearing it nw
wn dd u lose ur virginity?
hehe!! is that supposed to be a trick question?
do u see urselve as beautiful?
lol... i dnt wanna think m beautiful cz amma start being arrogant if i take myself to be
Watz d w0rst thng uv eva d0ne?
uhmmm...its very bad.. cnt evn talk abt it
Jwale o qala jwang ka ho mo dumpa esp whn u really luv da prsn?
js be open n honest abt y m breaking up wt em
A.a hle! f u hd an idea that ur bf s cheatin u by that u c his status msgs nd den whn u confront him o tlela ka dinqondo.ebe ha ore u mkn a rshp status wif him ore Il THNK ABT IT. O ka etsang mare?
he is obviously cheatn u n u da undercover chick...i wud dump him straight up..
have u ever been cheated on?
iyoh..hangata hore!!! Mxm! bt i always manage to get over it!dats wat i <3 abt me...
Whos ur bf's name
Wht wld u sy f sb u completely dnt kno wants 2 b ur fwnd?
i wudnt mind that cz i love making new friends
If u wer to date 1 of youe ex's who would it be?
my 1st boyfriend
What wud u do if 1 of ur close friends asked you to go out with him?
i wouldnt...wudnt wanna ruin our friendshp by starting smethng else outta it
Describe yourself in 3 words?
humourous,shy and sweet
Who are you dating currently
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
I dnt pay much attention to rumours