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Do your worst xo

340 Replies

What did you get up to today?

Brunch with the girls, drove into town to do something for Rach.. (Driving to Blenheim Road is stressful when you dont know where you're going.. js) , then came back and watched a bit of TV, made Lasagne for din dins.. went to the gym.. came back.. and now I'm waiting for the fam bam to come home so I can eat it :)

staceey101 replied 3701 days ago

When do you start uni?

It's like February 16th or something

staceey101 replied 3701 days ago

Hahaha having fun lol ill tell ya soooon hahaha ;)

Okay okay :)

staceey101 replied 3702 days ago

What does the Smirnoff original one taste like?

try it

staceey101 replied 3703 days ago

What’s my best physical feature?

Isn't it supposed to say you're? Cause I don't know who you are?

staceey101 replied 3703 days ago

What flavour Smirnoff?

I dunno.. Raspberry or black ice

staceey101 replied 3704 days ago

Favourite alcoholic beverage? Brand, flavour and all

I dunno.. It depends on the day.. I drink Smirnoff and then Red Bull and vodka :)

staceey101 replied 3704 days ago

If i told you it wouldn't be qooh me would it hahaha ;)

Okay sneaky hahha ;)

staceey101 replied 3704 days ago

Hahaha guess you could say that lol how's life going for you

Good good :) who is this haha?

staceey101 replied 3706 days ago

Dam girl your pretty as haven't seen you since amberley primary looking beautiful

Alot has changed since primary hahahaha ;) but thank you xo

staceey101 replied 3706 days ago

I'll ask you once more Stacey, Sam Cooke is pretty cool ae?? Xo


staceey101 replied 3707 days ago

How come you don't get with guys when you're out?

It's just not me.. I mean I don't understand it.. Doesn't mean I judge other people who do.. I dunno for me in would see me getting with someone as a way to make me feel better about myself.. And I don't see the point in doing that when it's not a permanent solution.. Besides people are lucky to have me.. I don't just give myself away to random guys ;)

staceey101 replied 3708 days ago


Nunnery represent!

staceey101 replied 3708 days ago

What do you do at the gym?

Umm.. I do 10-15 minutes cardio.. Then a few different weights for my arms, I do some boxing, some weights for my legs, some resistance and lunges for my legs.. Uhhh different types of crunches.. And yeeaahh :)

staceey101 replied 3708 days ago

Did you get with any guys in Queenstown

If you count sharing a towel with 9 other people that includes guys as 'getting with' then yes I did.. Otherwise no.. I don't see the point.. I'd rather spend it with my mates.. Just not who I am eh :)

staceey101 replied 3708 days ago