Hey Stacey can I please get your bbm pin?
h e l l o Anetjie Bytjie . . ! bjaa dnkii va j0u w0nderlike vriiendskap jyy bjaa awesome . . ! dnkii dat jyy myy altyyd lat lag hehe . . ! liiefa j0u t0nne . . ! #blyyjouself mwaa xx
Selle vir jou , jy is Awesome en ekke kanie aan iemand anders dink soos jy nie !!! Jy is my one in a minion
Hey sup whateves. Do you have. Bbm Vrroooooom
Yes :) and you ?
hoekom is jy so lelik met almal
Whatever , ek isi lelik met almal nie !!!!! Hoop jy het n lekker daggie verder ;)
Plans for 2014?
Yeah going 2 the beach and you ?
Hello Anetjie Bytjie Fluitjie :)
Hey :)
How many guys have you dated in your live en have you met the guy of your dreams
1 - I'm not gonna tell you how many guys I have dated
2 - maybe I met the guy of my dreams ( I am not sure if he is the one )
Would you ever merry a girl ? stacey6690777
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's your fav movie?
Maybe we can go see one together ?
Not gonna tel you + we are NEVER gonna see a movie together !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you like coke so much?
Don't know ! but its good
Would you ever think about your friends more then yourself?
Yes I love my friends a lot more then myself ( ok , not that much but yes )
Have you ever had your first kiss ???
If not may I be you first kiss ????
NO !!!!!
You have to tell her
Tell who what?
If you could *ex now with who would it ?
No one
you are Beautiful just the way you are and don't change yourself even if yo want to.Don't because God made you the way you are and you should be so glad about how you are + Your Perfect and that's why I fell in love with you
Aww thanks *!!!
I'm closer 2 you then you think , I might even be your crush !!!!!!!! <3
How close ?
I like Coke , you like Coke !!! We have a lot in common maybe we should go to the movies ? ;)
I love coke , you like coke !!!! We have nothing in common !!!!!!
I Love you and I will always love you <3
K , cool ( I think )
He is mine !!! Stay AWAY form him !!!! Or else !!!!!!! I liked him first !!!! So Stay Away !!! I'm watching you !!!!
Who are you ? And who are you talking about ?
Do u think u and Malan have a future chance
Yes , maybe , no , sure , jip !!!!!!!
Why do you like him ?
Ané ... Jys awesome ! Baie liefa j0w (: AbiGaiL_05
Jy ook <3 hoe het jy geweet dis ekke ?