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Steph Anderson



671 Replies

wanna blow me?

Excuse me? Aren't you a gentleman

stephaniea98 replied 3258 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

Set the standards pretty high tbh, hence why everything after has felt pretty downhill :')

stephaniea98 replied 3298 days ago

Why aren't you famous?

I have no talents :')

stephaniea98 replied 3300 days ago

What's the worst decision you've ever made?

Hahahahaah wasting a year of my life on absolutely nothing

stephaniea98 replied 3302 days ago

furthest youve gone?

I dated a guy for two years, what do you think?

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago

What offends you ?

Ignorant,closeminded people

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago

who are your bestfriends?

Gabi, Paris, alle, Ainslie, Sylvia

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago


Box is such a nicer word

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago

a lot of people say mean things about you

I know, but none of it bothers me because I know myself a lot better than they do, plus I'm not insecure enough to let those kinda things get to me. :')

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago 1

Hahaha oh sacred heart btches...

Oh man, so funny :') love it, like what an unnecessary thing to post, jealous btches who ain't getting any it looks like :')

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago

You are fkn annoying, stop telling people that now you've moved to senior you're hooking up with all these guys because nobody really gives a fuc.k because you're an annoying wannabe.

I'm not "hooking up" with any guys hahahahahaa :') literally since I've moved there, I've had my head 100% down in my books because I moved to do well and get a score that will get me far in life. Not because of boys, or because I am a "wanna be" (wanna be what by the way?) If I'm annoying then delete me? Like it clearly won't be a loss to me if you feel the need to tell me this on qooh me :') like it's just one less fake person in my life haha I don't care dude, but ah yes boys, that's defiently the reason I moved there... Good job. :')

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago

If you started to s*ck your boyfriends dck and instead of pre ***, endless amounts of spaghetti came out of it. Would you?
A) start a restaurant
B) Cure world hunger
C) host a dinner party
Keep in mind the more you s*ck the more spaghetti comes out.

Honestly, no one is going to want to eat my boyfriend's spaghetti *** :') so how could I cure world hunger even if I wanted too? :')
I would get so sick of spaghetti that the ****jobs would just stop lets be honest imagine the mess :')

stephaniea98 replied 3305 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

A kombi van fo sure

stephaniea98 replied 3314 days ago

Hey you should totally message me, heheh XD I'm not going to tell you who I am though cause that's noo funn lol but message me like right now....if you actually guess this correctly and message me I'll give you a cookie

Ahhh I'm just trying to think of people who still use XD....

stephaniea98 replied 3317 days ago


What an amazing question

stephaniea98 replied 3318 days ago 1