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butt plug
I'm sick of people ignoring me and thinking that it's okay.
It's not true so how can I forget it.
There isn't a list, my friends know who they are
A fcking nightmare
Hahaahahah how would you know
Not being able to be with the one I truly love. :(
I loooooove yoooouuuuu thankyou for everything you've done for me xxxxxxx
I don't think any class is useless
He has a mad body, good bloke funny boy. Miss him also
there's literally no way I would ever go back!
funniest kid, miss him sooo much
Nice pal, old buddy, should catch up soon or sumps
who said that
last night. doesn't matter.
desperate ****s that can't find their own boys
no one important enough to mention
no idea
ask him
would recommend/10
stop asking
his stupid. who's asking?
probs miss you too x
oh wow
I don't even know who this is soo
nice nice
hahaha who's this
running out of wedges at work
hahah funny as.
nah haha I don't need negative people in my life
literally doesn't matter haha
always knows how to make me smile, really nice kid. haven't seen him in aages though
I looove Jordan. such a good kid to be around, good mate. haven't seen him in a while though :(
I think I used to but no not at the moment
curious as to who this is..
pissed as ****kk
no wtf
losing my brother
spending it with someone I love
came where?
ash, tiahnee, Ellen, grace, ebony
he's been really really nasty a few times and I don't associate with people like that
not naming anyone
yeah like twice, and no one else's buisness except mine :)
like two nights ago
that nothing's ever the same
thinking that your bestfriend wouldn't ditch you for her boyfriend but she actually did.
I have a lot but grace & ash would both be number one
I think so :)))
no not really
I don't have one
I wouldn't care I would probably talk to them, I don't hold grudges
everyone's my fav nah, the people I hang out with are my favs
my brother
yes because they're gross
hahaha funny
keeping up with the kardashians
a lot of things
I'm not going to make a list :)
it's actually really good
I don't think so but thanks
not much I don't really have any school which is lovely
not too bad thanks
just do it hah
yes of course, I wouldn't even want to begin on how immature and unsettled I was then. I'm actually so different it's weird
I'd say I'm more upset then angry, but meh who cares that's life **** happens
guess I just haven't found the right person yet :)
aw thankyou :)
why are people still even mentioning this? it was like so 2 years ago move on hahaha
hahahha wtf I don't even remember the last time we spoke...
nothing my life is perfect
he's a cutie, and he's really nice. haven't seen him in ages though
your so beautiful! your also my bestfriend and I'm also happy that you became my friend, your so skinny and funny and your so chilled. love ya xxx
yeah it's pretty grouse
ooh ebony! your my bestfriend I'm so happy we became friends, your bloody gorgeous and don't ever think different! your the nicest chick and your hilarious, love you petal xx
ebony and her mum
n o y b