A super power you wish you had?
Choosing my own family hahaha
A person you never want to talk to again?
How do you feel about dating exes?
Uhm not keen at all!!! Been there, done that and never again!!!
Omg my love who the f* is this gal we are bating like forever !!!! so gals please dont bother my boy with your stuff
Hehe tnx m love... I lolololooovvveee u very much plenty....
Why do ju tell girls ju like them when ju actually a player
Well sorry to hear abwt ur **** who ever ya are!!!! First come first serve!! And I'm not a player... I'm a dish!! So **** u... Have a nice day ;)
How long did your last call last?
Abwt 7 minutes..
yes yes Stevo. Hoe lyk dinge daar by ju. dinge lyk maar stil hier. nu dat ek kla is met skool moet ek gaan werk en ek sien nie uit daarna nie hahahahahaha. maar nu ja dis my prob daai neh. ag wat lekker aand bud soet wees neh
Howzit boet.. Yeah kinda!!! Haha.. Tnx bud... To u 2
Hey buddy do u know how awesome I am hahaha
Yeah I do jess, hahaha
Ey who is the one person ju realy like
Gosh, uhm idk hey... I'm kinda messed up at the moment..
Hay hay wou net se jys super awesome vir my en rrg n ware friend lovies u
Hehe.. Tnx
Wat is jou grootste geheim?
Welll...... That I love me fave very much plenty... Hehe but shhhhh