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Nothing But Thieves, Glacier Pacific and The Kooks
The age thing? Heck yeah
Probably not but I'm not going to say no. I mean, I just don't find them attractive but that could change. I probably wouldn't but I won't rule it out completely
Her name is Iona. She's an old friend of mine
I don't really know. I am a lot fussier with guys though. Like appearance matters if you're a dude but it doesn't really matter if you're a girl. I'm more likely to date a girl but I don't like any specific gender more, it's not a gender thing, it's and individual person thing you know
I suppose so, if he's not an ***hole ✌
Dangerous Mind by Ruby Frost
We do, this weekend we had a "summer fun" theme because we couldn't get to the uniform rooms because the floors were being painted. Now we're wearing Christman uniforms which count as uniforms to me :)
Omg <3 you Eloise
The hair and the brows ;)
Drink green tea. Do things that make you feel nice. Buy yourself stuff. Eat good food. Surround yourself ith good people. Be nice to other people. Give to charity. Do what you want to do.
I don't.
Why not? :(
I guess you'll be pissed then
How it has no limitations. How anyone can achieve anything they desire if they try.
I got a job
Because the judges will expect something bad but when they hear an alright version of the song they'll think my performance is actually better than what it really is.
Most probably
Probably not
No I was kidding you fool. I don't have a preference :)
Ah, I hate that fact that when I'm hungry I always get really really angry with everything and I take my problems out on everyone aaround me. And I love my legs because they're shaped unlike the rest of my body ha ha ha
I hate both
I'm stealling this one okay
Nah, just a regular trim
An empty bank account
What no hahaha
I'm I get through then no. But if I don't then yes.
I can kind of sing a little bit sorta
Artisan Cafe (y)
I do not have high standards. I just want someone intelligent and nice and classy. That is not too much to ask for. My standards are actually low compared to someone people these days.
Arctic Monkey, Last Dinosaurs and Bombay Bicycle Club. Sorry, can't pick one
To have a stable income get married to someone intelligent. Have babies. Live happily ever after and ****.
It's time consuming and difficult
Ah, my view on life. I think that in order to be happy one must make other people happy. I also think that acts of selflessness are the best thing someone can do. I think that people should stop expecting things in return for nice things that they do. I think that people should enjoy what they have and stop wanting more. Everything could be a whole lot worse :)
I'm feeling alright :)
My friends, my family, my job :)
Ah thank you :)
A bad personality. Someone that doesn't give or someone that gives and just expects to recieve. Someone that is not selfless. Someone that victimizes themselves constantly. Someone that is closed minded.
I'll be working full time :)
So are you :)
Romantically? Maybe, kind of but I don't know.
Yeah I'm alright, could be worse :)
Learn English you twat
$1.21 cha ching $$$$$$$$$$$
Yuck don't get sappy with me you little *****. But thanks <3
Aw thanks ;)
I do not think that I am better than anyone. I think everyone is equal. And if you want to call me mean for getting rid of the toxic people in my life then you do that because I'm pretty sure I have a clear idea of who this is about :)
I have my hair like thhis because I'm lazy but thanks :)
How so?
Aw thanks :)
Who is this? You hate how I have told everyone? I have told the people that I trust. Unfortunately a lot of people have passed it on. I don't want people to feel sorry for me, I'm embarrassed. It's not my fault people talk to each other and have managed to spread it. Don't start ****.
Thank you thank you thank you xxxxxx
Thank you for understanding! Omg <3
Aw Libby, you're a babe xo
<3 I had to get the cheap ones because I'm poor and they feel like sand paper
Attention is the last thing I want. I actually want everyone to **** off
I just feel sad about a lot of things at the moment. I'll bounce back oonce I get some sleep.
I hate it when people want me to do something so they tell someone else to tell me to do something. Like what the ****? Can't you just tell me yourself? Are you stupid?
That's a funny question. At the moment, I couldn't possibly feel worse :)
Maybe I will
People with bad taste in music
I would take a bullet for anyone if I was in a situation that I needed to
Thanks anon bae
No, I was an ***hole. I insulted people and people thought it was funny. I have matured a little bit since then
No eyebrows. I'd just draw them on or something