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U want like names? Eish I gat 2many... So uhhhh I thnk u 1 of them! Coz I cn c u realy want 2 knw if I wud count u as my friend or not!!
Hmmmm my best frieandz!! I dnt think I have1!!! M just frieandz wit all my friendz : u digg!!
Her name ! Iz HER!
Lol okey I braaid u a beef!! *wink* lov
Lol she is a hotter chick!! N nope i wud neva liv her 4 any1! Love 2 bits!!
Lol neva had 1, n stylez!!! Mmmm doggy does it 4me!! #hydes my gf wil kil me
Mmmmhhh me a charmer!!! Mmm ppl wit their romourz !! N wat dd u say wen u hre dat?
Bot her a kota!!!
Lol dat m gay!
My lovely gf