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Ask or tell me anything, I'll always answer!

74 Replies

Waar wil jy hom in he, voor of agter?

Jys sif

suemarilov replied 2210 days ago

What would you say are probably the most ticklish spots on most kids if you had to guess some?

On their sides/hips.
Really interesting question???

suemarilov replied 2227 days ago

Jys baie special girla♥️♥️♥️♥️

Aawwnn thanx. Jy ook wie ookal jy is♥️♥️

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Is jy en jou ouers close?

Ja. Veral ek en my pa

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Met wie is jy die closeste?

Francios, Nicole en my pa

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Wats worse, having your heart broken or breaking someone's heart?

You tell me

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Have you had a heartbreak before?

Unfortunately yes

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Do you miss someone?

Jip. Do you?

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Where is your favourate place to go shopping?


suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

What made you smile today?

My boyfriend and my bestie. And of coarse my dog?❤️

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Nice A$$ ??

Thanx I guess.? Who is this though

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Kyk net hierdie beeldskone dame!? Ler1009

Kyk wie praat♥️

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Do you have a boyfriend

Jip. A awesome boyfriend♥️

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Have you had alcohol

Jup? have you?

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago

Vertel my van jouself?

Ummmm .....? Perde is my lewe, ek love dit om te kuier, gym, shopping,net bal, ek sing ens. By bestie is Nicole Language, my ou is Francois. Eks baie close met my pa. Eks baie lief vir diere en hou van fotos neem. Ek praat baie wanneer ek saam my vriende is?

suemarilov replied 2228 days ago