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592 Replies


Hiiii lexxx

summerskyxox replied 3634 days ago

still chill with Alexis???


summerskyxox replied 3654 days ago

Thoughts? Sedezvall

I just typed this all out then it deleted and I don't wanna retype it soo you're pretty and nice inbox whenever!! Sorry this is ****ty

summerskyxox replied 3654 days ago 1

How long have you been with brad for?(:

3 months today:)

summerskyxox replied 3654 days ago

what did u do today:)

Spent the day with brad

summerskyxox replied 3658 days ago

Miss any of your friends? If yes who?

None, If I don't talk to them now there's most likely a reason

summerskyxox replied 3658 days ago

I'm going to **** you hard


summerskyxox replied 3660 days ago

ur pics side ways man


summerskyxox replied 3660 days ago

you and brad are dating again?


summerskyxox replied 3662 days ago

come down to cape asap you haven't been to the shack in so long !!!!!:(

I'll tryy

summerskyxox replied 3664 days ago

I feel so sad..


summerskyxox replied 3664 days ago

Are you single now


summerskyxox replied 3664 days ago

why'd you leave beal? o:

Didn't like it much

summerskyxox replied 3664 days ago

" kyles my boo"


summerskyxox replied 3676 days ago

brad broke up with you for such a stupid reason, like if you cheated on him, that would be a different reason. But asking a question isnt necessarily a big deal, so obviously he didnt like you that much if he were to dump you over something so small.

Inbox me

summerskyxox replied 3677 days ago