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Summer Robichaud


Ask me anything you like anonymously

571 Replies

Yea your *****

ooooo okok I gotcha lol.. I'm alright, hbu?

summerx0x replied 4028 days ago 1

How's Ontario's ATM machine doin

Ontario has an atm machine? Hype.

summerx0x replied 4028 days ago

No I am not on crack but you sure must be to ever think you will have custody of the children

Keep acting like you know, cause you don't.

summerx0x replied 4033 days ago

Who is your crush? Dont be shy

I'm not 6

summerx0x replied 4034 days ago

Rumour has it your not getting them back in your house cas would not give them back to a mother who can not take care of them

You're clearly on crack.

summerx0x replied 4034 days ago

You lost them you don't deserve them you neglected them so much that cas had to step in and give them the love they needed now they will be with the only real parent they have

L. O motha fuxkin L .. its time you hung yourself cause I am getting my kids back muahahahaa.. backfired on you eh? Dkm :)

summerx0x replied 4034 days ago

Your a hoe your kids deserve a self respectful mother not a nasty one

Well good evening to you too

summerx0x replied 4034 days ago

Your right what's best for your children is for you to disappear and never return

You wish :'D LOL I'm dyyyying ahahahahah stop making me laugh so hard before I get abs :')

summerx0x replied 4035 days ago

You want to up and leave the city but what about your children do they not matter to you cuz if they did you would want to be close to them

Omg. Shut the **** up.. I'm doing what's best for obvs my children & myself and staying in London isn't doing anything for me. I'd rather go somewhere where I DON'T know anyone and actually finish fuxking school. So take your stupid self OFF my media pages & get a fuxking life.

summerx0x replied 4036 days ago 1

Something you will never be good at?

Making pancakes.... Or peeing while standing. Yeah.... that one ill never be good at.

summerx0x replied 4036 days ago

I slept with your baby daddy last week and today I found out I have an std

Good for you LOL

summerx0x replied 4037 days ago

Escort ****

Is that all you have? Cause its getting old LOL

summerx0x replied 4037 days ago

You clearly care about the father of your children and that girl or you would not have made a status about it ur so much drama it's redic

No, I DO NOT care bout him nor her because they're both disgusting. She tried putting me on blast so I put them on blast. DANILE IS A FREE MAN!! Idc WHAT or WHO he does.

summerx0x replied 4039 days ago

You got some competition with Britney over Danile
That's got to s*ck

Na brah, he aint like her like that but I don't even care :)

summerx0x replied 4039 days ago

Lol big words for a girl who sells herself to men for money
Your an escort **** go sell your body some more that is the reason you were not home when your kids were taken nasty *****

You're actually retarted if you believe what you hear LOLLLL

summerx0x replied 4044 days ago