Why you gay tho b
mwah xoxo
What causes you to stay up late?
Um I get carried away and end up on the weird side of youtube
You're an Sk but stay in school
Stay in school, eat ur vegetables n listen to punk rock xo
why you doing this year 7 gay sht again doesn't VCAL give you enough homework?
What's vcal
How much $ too play skytram?
Dylan and Jack are the people you should be asking xxx
marry me
Why should I huh
You are actually pretty cute x
Thankyou anon dearest
What do you want to hate, but can't?
How many kids would you like to have ?
Kids are lame
You're actually so adorable ❤️
Double head with maya ?
Hahahahahaahahahahaahah um?
Single ?
not available xx
What do you want most out of life?
To die knowing I left an impact on someone/something
What is your motto?
Be the change you want to see in the world
You have great toenails, like theyre fkn ah gosh ?
Um what
btw this is the same person jarrah you look gorgeous with and with out it. its crap that you cant feel confident without it. probably from judgmental people like that person who said all that shtt
Thanks man, too sweet
2 the person who said "some btchs cant hide their face under makeup 4ever" u r probably the reason girls find it comfortable 2 "hide" under their makeup if girls do/dnt wear makeup its non of ur business if it makes people feel confident then y the fk u hatin
Some people are just narrow minded
Good that you come to school some days without makeup, some btches need to learn a lesson from you. Cant hide their face under that sht forever. Good on ya luv
Usually don't wear it if I wake up late hahah, yuck I have no confidence whatsoever without it
What is your current state of mind?
NY state of minddddd
I really want you to s*ck me off
nah, sorry champ
why are you such a **** xoxo
What cheers you up ?
Mario kart yay
Thoughts on Lauren ? xx
Lauren who
Maya's a fcking idiot lol
Yeah its only nick now
what's that meant to mean hahahahahaah
funny fcker, where've you been omg
do you even have friends? Or is nick ur first priority now
my business :)
What's going on with you and Maya
Surely you would have done something with a guy aye? A lil more than a hookup? ;)
i don't recall oops
what about the fgt
You got no girl mates fcker
are you asking me or telling me hahahahaha
Thoughts on Ahmet K
Lovely boy!
Thoughts on martin
think he hates me but haven't seen him in yonks
3 guys you miss?
don't even know
You have to be the biggest flog ever lol
defs not
people you trust
No one really
Whoever you are typing in caps (berna)
Shut the **** up you actually look like a f**
i smell beef
Liam jarrah
Oh god hhahaahah
I'm not a nun
Just stating the truth.
What even makes you think that
the fact that people are talking about my gentials ... worries me dearly. berna3452
I am also concerned
HOW THE HELL DO I HAVE A SMALL D I C K ?! who even asks sick questions like this.. berna3452
You have a stalker
I know you very well your not as great as people think you act like Regina George hahaha
No one thinks I'm great, get ****ed that's not true at all
Have you ever had *ex
You push a lot of people away, treat a lot of people like **** and you think that's how you can get by in life.. You need to realise the world don't revolve around you.
You clearly don't know me, I do right by everybody and all I do is go out of my way to support and help whoever I can. I'm always respectful and would never intentionally hurt anybody. I think you've got the wrong impression of me.
It's not irrelevant cause I wanna know lol
Isn't that lovely
Have you ever realised there's people in your life that feel like you actually don't even care about them, those people that were so close to you and you've just pushed them away.
Don't be stupid, people always stop giving a **** about me
Why can't you share
i wpuld love to get with you but im a year 9
Reveal yo self
Bernie has a small ****
Tiny *
She's s*cked **** that's all that matters
If you say so anon dearest
I knock all you f**s out. Jarrah doesn't like boys with ****s. She likes men. And none of you reach that standard. Oath.
youre scaring people away you freak omg
What do you mean :)?
How far have you gone with a guy?
What do you mean by showing you who's boss and taking control?
As in, I like a guy putting me in my place. I like when they're controlling and confident
If any **** is ****ing with Jarrah its me and only me like, cause if it's not me I'll find you and I will kill you slowly and painfully.
Bernie loves you boo
Me + u against the worldddddd
Shut the **** up gimps yous are just jealous because jarrah wants my ****
You're wishin
Stfu dumb****s ead
I'm confused
Your into that **** ye
Into whatttt
I dont give a **** who you are you dont talk to jarrah like that ever again
Who's this?
To the guy who said "ill show u whos boss when im ****ing you in the as*" are you ****ed in the head or just not know how to talk to girls you are a disgusting creep who should learn some ****ing manners.
I'll show you I'm boss when I'm ****ing you in the as* and I spit on your back
Top 3 guy mates
All my mates have ****ed off
What do you like in a guy?
A guy who shows me who's boss and takes control
What was your first cellphone ?
Flip phone hahahaha
Thoughts on Jai c
Seems like a nice kid, good looking
thoughts on me nigga mizzdawg tha creator nathannnnn
hottest 3 guys you talk too for lakeview?
Not nick he's pretty grot
Thoughts on dragan?
miss the douche bag tbh
thoughts on Cameron A
Don't speak often but he's lovely
Listen honey listen, no need to get up all in my grill.
don't get your **** twisted
Thoughts on Jake Savic?
seems nice :)
Save me from the force. The force of homeland
the force is with you dude
If I could please have your attention but my soul has been inserted up a cactus v***** whilst it rubs up against ,y screen on the screen of cats.
go away
Christ church grew a beard and jumped the bridge whilst the cat watched a barked the **** out of a snakes condom
go away I'm an athiest
The ****ing cats are back *****
Zach gervasoni
Terrible sandwich artist HAHA nah very respectful boy, has a good heart
a name would help pal
Grouse girl with good intentions, don't let any boy get to your head! Super pretty and good to chat with. Needa talk more x x
Thoughts on Dylan Anderson
Good looking, grouse guy
still blasting the music? Hahah
Oh yes always am
kitty paws are cool paws
Anon knows what's up
thoughts on Bailey p
I shave legs better than him
Y u getting so much hate bb gurl :/
People don't like me clearly haha
Thoughts on jake v
Don't know him well, seems like a nice kid
I didn't say throw the kitties off the bridge
that's good to know??
kk we get it
can't we all just get along and stop abusing cats
you all need to relax the cat is here.
i WOULD LOVE TO KNOW WhAT cat you're talking ABOUT
Mans whoever saying this cat ****. Honestly you have no ****ing life what better can you say you dirty prick. Wow you're not funny idiot
Poor kitty
i dream about wet tongues and cats whilst i hat the ***** in you for liking my cats alley way
i have no interest in your cats alleyway whatsoever
your not lost your found, like lost and found
r u saying I'm a second hand object??
your cat licked right up my alleyway last night
i wish i had a cat