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844 Replies

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sydney007 replied 3530 days ago

How do you deal with a break up ?

I don't go through Breakups but thanks

sydney007 replied 3545 days ago

How do you deal with someone with bad breath?

I have no sense of smell so I do not care

sydney007 replied 3553 days ago

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

Kendall and I would make her massage my feet

sydney007 replied 3563 days ago

How do you deal with failure?

I deal with failure by not failing

sydney007 replied 3632 days ago

Who told you they loved you last

Probably my mom

sydney007 replied 3644 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

I think it was a root beer float

sydney007 replied 3653 days ago

What is your nickname ?

Syd, Sydfish, Toad, MacCob

sydney007 replied 3662 days ago

How much do you weigh?


sydney007 replied 3710 days ago

What was your last dream about ?

I was in an episode of criminal minds

sydney007 replied 3713 days ago 1

Plans for the new year ?

Be happy

sydney007 replied 3716 days ago 1

What does your perfect day look like?

Greys Anatomy marathon while simultaneously eating multiple pints of Ben and Jerry's while cuddling with my bae that doesn't exist

sydney007 replied 3747 days ago 2

What are you addicted to?

Grey's Anatomy

sydney007 replied 3751 days ago

What's your favorite fashion item ?

Sweatpants for sure

sydney007 replied 3752 days ago 3


This was a really random question, but I wouldn't say that I really have a "best friend forever". I don't know where I or anyone else will be in a few years and things happen. So instead, I will answer who my current amigos are. I would say that the people I am closest with are Kendall, Maddy, Nicole, Brittney, Shauna, Alicia, and Emily. There are a few people that I am becoming closer with that I did not include in that list. Thanks for the question.

sydney007 replied 3768 days ago 1