(“)_(“) its a flippen Bunny!!! Okay!?! Chelsea_Parry
Hahahaha, Well I feel really sorry for your bunny =D its dosent even look like one x_x
Mtimkulu :P
Only you ay :P one of a kind ;)
No..to get a spare rib.. :D
Kruger x_x
Why did the skeleton cross the road? #Monsterquestion
Cause it couldn't cross the road?? :|
What u look for in a gal?
She must just have a nice personality :)
Hahahaha awwwwww ikho :) ({}) miss you tho:D
Hahahaha, Miss you too bud :)({})
Should visit sometime:)
Ya when I come that side to go cut my hair I will :)
Haha you a very nice person!BTW
Would say the same if I knew who you where :)
I'm not even coloured!
It would still be you
If you would date a coloured who would it be?
It would be you :)
What did u learn at the jung? -_-
That you must go there to know
Solid Afrikaans skills there you know it too :P
Talky Walky Man :P ({}) x BekzW
Chicken its Walky Talky you got it wrong =D :p({})xx
Who do you like?
No one :)
Why do u support such a Krappy soccer team???
Cause you don't know soccer
Y did u n uR chick break it off
BBM ill tell you :)
Do you smoke weed?
The question is do you smoke weed?
How far have you gone with a girl?
Durban ;)
Are you only into white chicks?
Are you a virgin?
Are you a virgin?
Hey hey Girlfriendddddd ;)
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl :p
I want ur glas*es
Then come take them :)
Nicole is not weird Ikho! How can you say that about me! I'm special ;;)
Vuyo :|
f*** you haters, natalie and nicole didn't do anything you guys chune anonymously but I wanna see you say it to their faces
What are you saying??
Issnt vee dowgg the se*iest indian you've seen?
Jooooooh hunk for days
Honestly I think natalie and nicole are complete idiots
That's your opinion
Nicole & Natalie. Your thoughts on them?
They are very strange people especially Natalie and Nicole is on her own level of I don't know but they are very cool people
Bekz Was Here, You Legend Ndarkie :Px
Oh My Mlungu :Pxo