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tynneal justice


Ask me anything you like!!

54 Replies

You don't take it out on anyone else xD hilariouss, truely classic comedy.

Who do I take it out on huh? You? At least if you want to start a fight dont hide behind being anonymous, thats just weak. Who do I take it out on when I stay out of everybody's way

tabbie290 replied 3695 days ago

Fair enough. I am being *****y, but takes one to know one boo :')

oh I know I'm a *****, but I dont take it out on anyone else. So your the bigger ***** so bye bye get a life :)

tabbie290 replied 3696 days ago

At least I'm an over controlling crazy *****. Oh wait, thats you <3

haha you funny, I'm not the one being the ***** here you are

tabbie290 replied 3696 days ago

At least I have a boyfriend, what happened to yours? :')

At least I have respect, what happened to yours?

tabbie290 replied 3696 days ago

Ew. Its you

Get over yourself

tabbie290 replied 3696 days ago

Have you ever had feelings for a friend?

Regretfully yes.

tabbie290 replied 3698 days ago

I didn't ask the question, I'm just agreeing with the person who did.

You dont like what I said dont read it, not here to please anybody

tabbie290 replied 3811 days ago

Easier than hating them? That sounds like such bull****. Gotta agree with anon here on all that.

Thats my opinion I dont care whether you think is is a ****ing lie or not I have a right to my opinion if you dont like it dont ask the question

tabbie290 replied 3812 days ago

Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?


tabbie290 replied 3813 days ago

Exactly how many boyfriends have you had? Why do you find the need to be friends with them all?

1) whats it to you 2) I dont find the need I just prefer it due to the fact that it is easier than hating them

tabbie290 replied 3813 days ago

Does it bother you that people can see through your fake nice attitude and see you for what you really are?

It doesn't exist sorry but if I have something to say I say it no hiding behind fake attitude

tabbie290 replied 3813 days ago

I find it funny that you hate on someone else's English skills, yet here you are, not even knowing how to spell "taught" or the difference between "you're" and "your". Do you also find this funny?

I dont care nobody is perfect I just hate people who use acronyms And I find it funny how you have to be anonymous instead of saying it to my face

tabbie290 replied 3813 days ago

What would you like to ask God?

Why he took her but wont take me

tabbie290 replied 3815 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?


tabbie290 replied 3821 days ago

How do you feel about dating exes?

Wont didn't work out for a reason. Stupidity is doing something over and over expecting a different result

tabbie290 replied 3835 days ago