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Who do I take it out on huh? You? At least if you want to start a fight dont hide behind being anonymous, thats just weak. Who do I take it out on when I stay out of everybody's way
oh I know I'm a *****, but I dont take it out on anyone else. So your the bigger ***** so bye bye get a life :)
haha you funny, I'm not the one being the ***** here you are
At least I have respect, what happened to yours?
Regretfully yes.
You dont like what I said dont read it, not here to please anybody
Thats my opinion I dont care whether you think is is a ****ing lie or not I have a right to my opinion if you dont like it dont ask the question
1) whats it to you 2) I dont find the need I just prefer it due to the fact that it is easier than hating them
It doesn't exist sorry but if I have something to say I say it no hiding behind fake attitude
I dont care nobody is perfect I just hate people who use acronyms And I find it funny how you have to be anonymous instead of saying it to my face
Why he took her but wont take me
Wont didn't work out for a reason. Stupidity is doing something over and over expecting a different result
Who tought you English? And if you already dont know im dating an amazing kid named Matthew DeVuono
You are amazing, an idiot but I love you :p <3 and I miss your hugs...
I dont care who they like as long as they show respect to me I'll respect them
You'll just have to wait and find out :p
Maybe :p
You a good kid, funny, need a little more respect but all up your a good mate and trustworthy
Don't know...
Oh gee your cute funny and gonna die after today
A minion
Samantha and sara are just the best I can tell them anything anytime Julia I Dont know well enough but she seems nice
I know right, hes amazing, I wish he didnt like that other girl
I'm close with him but not that close... And I think he is funny and a good friend when he doesn't steal my phone...
funny smart kind and a good friend... :)
I know I don't have a good body nor am i pretty leave my friends out of this if you hate me so be it but I didn't implying that I think of myself to be pretty or skinny now did I... I also just have to ask is that the best you could honestly come up with like Haha what a joke... Just grow up seriously...
Nope sorry males all the way...
Don't know...
Funny pretty and a good friend also she makes everyone laugh when they are down...
tots, well funny weird likes anime which is good and he is actually growing a set XDD
Umm excuse me but I'm not acting tough I was just being honest if you don't like my answer don't ask the questions when you know stuff is going on between us...
No I honestly don't anymore he can do what he wants I give up hiding secrets let the whole world know... Its not worth the worry anymore...
Okay what ever I don't care anymore your not worth a fight
I won't get over it there are somethings she doesn't need to know nor does it concern her all it will do is make everything worse
Like umm I don't know I guess just because I have the worry of him telling people things I told him and it may make things worse but I don't know like yeah I will always worry though because is best friends with a person I dislike and he could tell her everything...
Get over yourself your so immature I have a life thank you very much if you don't like me fine don't talk to or message me no need to abuse me your the one who needs to get a life....
I'm not stirring anything with anyone your the one I'm told is saying all the lies and rumours and making them up but the sad thing is your believing the rumour too and I honestly don't care anymore because I know what I have and haven't done and I know I haven't done the things you guys are accusing me of so just stop being so immature everyone please get both sides of the story before you start saying all of this stuff just grow up all of you...
I don't really like her she cam be a times a b**** but people change and I haven't spoken to her therefore I don't know if she has changed or not
Kayla: she I nice but she is really getting on my nerves... Matthew: he is a good kid good to talk to but I don't really know where he stands... Jade: I don't really know her but from what others say she seems nice...
Atm it would have to be a kid named jai due to I can tell him anything... He is like my brother...
And if I do what is it to you....
Michelle is nice and all but like with everything that happened I don't know who she really is anymore...