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Jessica!! Sierra! or other Sierra!
like $1
roots :(
Hes a insperation :)
either Ask out my crush or go on the leviathon
uhm idk Elma mayba Ryerson
not sure
no clue :/ i think most people secretly hate me
a new phone
do you have kik??
Sophiaaaaa :)) inbox me on facebook bby :))
i dont like girls i like guys but i guess if i were to give advice to a guy try and make it subtle so the girl doesnt get creeped out
Get rid of the glasses and grow a few inches idek
omgh dont even O.O idek omgh let me get back to you on that o.O
none but I saw a video about 911 and I cryed
FACEBOOK!!! first of all because I don't have twitter anymore and second of all even when I had twitter I didn't go on it much but I'm ALWAYS on fb
Three Days Grace or Panic at the Disco
Brittani Louise Taylor or PEWDIEPIE
baseball :P
Orange :P let me guess this is gabe???
Getting scared half to death on a ride and then not being able to feel your legs... LOL JKJK
Hi Sierra :P
I would be either telepathic or be able to fly
Dont really have a best friend anymore because my old best friend did something bad to hurt one of my other best friends soo....
fheudsobfdfnds who you be?
no clue .-.
Fly, and telepathacly get me anything I want
I don't know, I don't really have that many things I can give away in a will yet so......
1: Blue eyes 2: Dimples 3: chocolate brown eyes