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Buy a house!
Give birth to my little angel!! :)
I wouldn't have a clue, I haven't been single in years!
Cuddles from that one man in my life!!
A very good and proud one :)
73! :D
An escort/stripper/prostitute, who in their right mind would drop that low that they need to wh*re around?!
A Nokia 3310! Ahhh those were the days! :)
Run around naked without a care in the world! :')
Little miss Abbey-Leigh, cars and footy
God there is so many! Let's just say the past that shouldn't of happened!
I'm guessing so. I'v done nothing and I'm not a part of this ****, but he doesn't bother to take anytime to say hi to me. He just looks and walks off every time he is with his girlfriend
Bogan and tahtah
I had lots of fun! Thanks bebbles! <3<3
It's still beautiful!
Pfft, who doesn't? ;)
Come here and you can have loud noises!!
Bite me!
That's because the girl it was about is stoopid! ;) I should ask her what a spark plug is and point it out to me! ;)
We should :) I have bulk tattoos I want.
What's my photo? -_-
Me too! What a coincidence!! :D
Pink baby is running a muck at the moment! She slapped me before :(
Everything, so it's impossible to name one thing!!
Why thank you! Want to see it fully? ;)
I love you! ;) <3
Really, really bored!
Bulk d*ck and yes I did! ;) good enough answer?
Yesterday and it's none of your business!
Don't even get me started!
I always get told my arse! ;)
Jayde hall and her addiction to an***! :'D
You are my best friend! I would do absolutely anything for! I love everything about you, and the fact your boy will be my future son in law makes me happy :)
We have had our moments, but not once have I ever hated you! You are a kind, beautiful, sweet girl who has a heart of gold and knows how to stand her ground for what is right! I miss being friends :)
With my family :)
Heights... -_-
Shopping for Abbey! :)
Awwww, thank you! :D I try my best when my partner isn't supportive enough!
Long enough to see my kids reach their milestones :)
A mechanic! :D :D just thinking about pulling apart a motor gets be excited! :D
My family, I'd die for them all!!
Myself, I always say, (remember to do this or that) and I forget every single time!
My love for them is equal
A baby :) She will cost me a **** load over the years :)
Yep, all the time I did! Showers are so much better! :D
Yes, every person deserves a second chance at life!
Football :)
Neither, they are both as bad as each other!
If my baby brother can come join his family for just one day!! :'(
Brad warner, Sophie Gormly and Aniesha walker
My car.
Listen to music or go for a run and kick the footy.
Amazing! I have my baby girl asleep on my chest!
Whatever you think.
Hahahaha, you nuffy! ;) I love you!!
Whenever my child lets me!
Thank you for that, but I think you're talking to the wrong person!
Purple :)
Sophie Gormly, Natt Perkins and Brett McGlashan! :D
Nawhhhhhh!!!!!! I love you so much woman! You possibly have to be my only best friend in Bendigo and one if the only few people I trust the most!! <3<3<3
Loosing someone close to you to death!
Sophie Gormly!!
If you're the type of person who only cares about themselves and wants a guy who will buy her everything, then yes.
My stretch marks and my frizzy, thick hair.
No, but I do have a commitment ring from my partner :)
My neighbours honking their horn over and over just as I got bubs to sleep!!
At the moment I'm happy with my girl! :)
And I love you!!!! :) <3
calling by sebastian ingrosso
Being a mummy :)
Mr Bradley Warner!!!! :) :) :) <3
Dating one person who I wish I now never had anything to do with!
Yep, and in the end it just ****s you over!
Love, there is absolutely no amount of money that could replace my boy!
A lot of things lately :(
My family!
Bogan or TahTah
Providing nothing but the best of everything for my baby and my man!
People who just love to sit there and bully someone when no one is perfect themselves!!
Ohhh god, you don't want to get me started!
There was just way too many things to fix, mainly the water pump though. I'll miss the car more than anything, but it's time being on the road was over :(
My family, boyfriend, child and close friends!!
Awwwww, thank you beautiful :) 11 weeks to go!!!!!!! :D :D :D
I was in prep and I ran up to him, kissed him and ran off :)
My trackies at the moment :)
Well if I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret now would it? :)
Ohhh god, there is lots of stuff :)
Feeling my baby kick! :D
My boyfriend, my best friend, my soul mate Bradley Warner! <3
Not as hot as you! ;)
Photos of family and friends, it might not be worth much money wise, but after loosing one of my closest friends you realize how valuable photos really are!
Well if I was to say, then the world would know wouldn't they? :)
My boyfriend, Kira Lee and Sophie Gormly.
Distance and because I fell for someone else, but that was just my mind playing tricks on me. Kind of happy I did though, otherwise I wouldn't have my amazing boyfriend! :)