Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Skating etc ??
Panda / shakes
Please know that these are not in any specific order x
I have no clue to be honest , also it would depend on what movie I am watching
Just DM me and I will give you my number ❤️?
People being so rude and nasty . Like can't everyone just be nice to one another . It really makes me so upset ?
What about them
Yess sure
I like them both and they're both my friends
Yes I did
Heyy gorgeous ??❤️
Thanks ?
Shinay my amazing babe ❤️❤️❤️
Mad about what
DM me
Yess what's up
Keegan Hore . I miss him a lot
I don't know yet ?
Okay will do
Awww thanks ❤️
Please dm me wanna know who you are
She's my girl ❤️ I love her
Which Jared ???
I have never dated any of the jareds I know
I don't have one
Lots of things
I have no idea ??
Why do you wanna know
I have lots ?
Travel the world with my best friend
My favorite person is my sammyboo and my boyfriend because sammy is my best friend and she is always there for me and i just love her
My boyfriend is amazing , his my world without fail and i love him
Dew of heaven
Okay that's nice ??
She doesn't have Instagram
Sammy boo
Jesse Wroe
Close friends
I don't know
Kayleigh and Sammy and Jesse
When they are fake
Piss off . Thanks
Thai food
Im not my phone is dead
Only for me to know and not you
It was not bad … blackberry
It's was good … but I have had better