Wats jou account naam ?
I actually like you alot since 2years ago but I didnt have the guts to tell you but you are really cool and I still like you,tip:2 years older than you
Ai toggie?
I'm gonna put our proposal in front of your Dad. He will surely like me. Always remember, you are mine ?
Uhm wie is jy?
Fav song?
Angel-The Weeknd
Askies my fout was bang een of ander weirdo soek jou no of so.
Dankie maar ek kan mooi na myself kyk?
Hoekom se jy jy en Reon kuier net as julle saam is? Dit is messedup LeeKristie
Dis lank terug gevra,ons het daai tyd eers net gekuier
Hoekom se jy jy en Reon kuier net as julle saam is?
Mmm okay en wanneer het ek dit gesê?
Hoekom se jy jy en Reon kuier as julle al vir meer as 5 maande saam is. Dit is messedup
?waar het ek dit gesê? Kry eers jou feite reg voordat jy sulke goed sê?
Jy en Reon?
??❤? baie liefde vir hom?
Het jy n boyfriend
Nee ek kuier manet met n ou?
What makes you genuinely happy?
Knowing that I make someone happy
Who is your crush???
Dm me and I'll tell you
What is the biggest way people waste money?
I'd say brand clothes
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Probably around 30?
Who would you take a bullet for ?
Reon definitely?