It's a pointless endeavour, it's a one way feeling
How do u even know that tho
I still have strong feelings for you but I don't know how to tell you coz it's stupid
O_o just tell me ..... I don't know who u are
Tbh on Jordan Capkin
Love that kid
Fave year 10s?
interested in anyone?
You're awesome
Thanks Dal
who are your closest freinds
Chrystal (even tho she lives piss years away)
Jamie P
Bec b
Sean Mathews
Chels v
Do you miss anyone from your primary school? If so who?
Umm Jordan lee
Evie Langdon, Jamie p (still see them around tho)
Lachie mc Neil
Can't really think of anyone else :P
if you had to date someone in yr11 at mesc. who would it be?
I have no idea haha somone not rude and that I get on well with I guess
Lol all u people complaining about her never catching up with u! Here's the thing tanisha does not do commitments she does not make plans she she just goes with the flow yes OHhh my god it's annoying but that's her
Hahaha this is kinda true
You always say sure let's catch up and then never do
Probs Cause we never organised it
Tanisha barely replies to anyone, don't take it to heart JaimePuzzolo
Hahah **** up poo head
I'd do anything for you but you probably wouldn't even notice
Well message me I don't even no who u are
Don't worry I try catching up with her to she dosnt even reply to my messages
Cheers guys
It's so true your so hard to get to know iv tried catching up with u 1000000 times and the only time I got to see u was with other people
I no I'm sorry haha
Most confusing person I know
How am I confusing
It's funny cause all these people are saying u hve changed. Well duh that's a part of growing up iv known u since year 2 and all your morals and passions have not changed u are beautiful Niesh
How about all you ***holes go eff yourselves. Tanishas is so much fun to be around and nice to everyone she meets and has the sweetest more pure heart
Aww I love u thanks kido
Your such a loved girl when ever I mention your name to people they always smile and comment hoe sweet you are
Aww haha I'm glad people think I'm hoe sweet ;) haha
It's tanisha she will not go and see you or reply to your messages or "give you a chance" if she does then you must be Somone special to her hahahaha
Haha not entirely true who is this
Your actually the sweetest chick going around wish you would give me a chance
Cheers big ears
you used to look so happy and healthy, now you look so sad and sick, hope you are okay
Mmm yeh I havnt been 100% the past few months haha but I'm getting well :)
you used to be cool
What did I do to change that haha
We are the kids from the lollipop guild the lollipop guild I'm really bored coz neish ditched me! Yes she did!
I didn't ditch
Are you and bec cool now?
Yes mam
i like you a lot but i know for a fact you don't like me back. it s*cks!
Cheer up chap
U should message me
Why are you so pretty?
I actually miss you so much...
I miss u more I can bet ya that
I actually love you and your dog chee so much! And can't forget your duck :)
Aww haha I love them to
Best chick to go out with so fun and care free
I'm sure u are to if I was with ya ;)
I no I would get with Jordan he's so fricken hot I'm jealous if u and him have a thing
Bahahaha yeh he's pretty nice
Would you make out with Jordan?
Would u?
Weird vibe of you at a Gath once not sure weather you were keen or not .
Um sorry Haha
who's gath?
Do you know the muffin man?
Yeh he's my cook at home
You guys get extremely close
Just comfortable around each other
Bahahah no!
Best male body type?
Tall and defined
you are such a nice person xx
Thank u lovely
What's the god with you and jordan
Just good friends :)
U looked so unwell today at school
Why thank u xx
Chels told be what bec did personally I never liked that girl she's so low and should go neck herself and keep her legs together the skank
This is actually horrible u need to think about what u say mate no one should ever "neck themself" no matter what!
think about what u say it could really get u in trouble one day
Your opinion is wrong she's not a skank and has high respect for herself
Who are you going with?
Sean Mathews :P
It's your birthday tomorrow. What are u wishing for?
Soo hard
That I stop fainting would be great hahaha
Are you going to deb?
Ooooo yeh
Why are u always sick
If I new I wouldn't be sick so much :P
How much of bliss n eso do you remember I hear you were pretty smashed
Not much at all I remember everything
I find it beutiful how u can never let anyone say a bad thing about someone
u always stand up for the person but then u never stand up for your self honey
Somtimes I fell that I don't need to tho like I no It will just start unnecessary arguments so I just don't give to ****s but when it's said about people behind there back and I don't think it's called for I will say somthing because the person isn't there to stand up for them self. (That's only if I believe they don't deserve it tho)
you want a clue hey um. ill give you a clue tommoz ill say hi
Deal I'll see u tomorrow ;)
Haha you wouldn't expect who I am thats why I love it
Ahhh this is killing me give me a clue
If one of your friends betrayed your trust what would u do
It depends what it was it can take years to build up trust in someone to the point when I can share my thoughts with them and seconds to destroy that but I always give second chances if they show they really love u as a friend
I am a boy silly and I go to your school and I'm always a **** to you but know I do it because your amazing man. Like seriously sickest **** that can take any joke <3
Aww well u should tell me who u are and if not thank you so much it's nice to have people like u in this world <3
neish you are the sickest kid i know, you are so loving and so caring and such a nice person. youll never guess who this is but oi never forget your ****ing awesome. :) xx
Aww u beutiful angle <3 please let me no who u are !
Funniest person you know?
Will Vincent
Sean Mathews
Amy whyte
Girls always say they want a genuine down to earth guy, so we do it then they go off and don't give a **** about you. What's the point in trying then?
I'm the worst person to ask this I'm so bad with advise but if they do that to u then they are not good enough for u because genuine people like u only deserve the best! So te point of trying is that yes u are going to come along as* holes that u think they are the one in your life but in the end u are going to find somone so much better that won't put u through any **** and make it all worth the effort <3
Your an interesting girls Niesh. U have so many hidden corners to u that only people that are extremely close to u can see. U have admited your self u have never opened up to any one :/
A book has to be shut before it can be opened ;)
What up latley? 2-3 mouths ago u were the happy care free, no ****s given tanisha that was full of energy! I'm here if u need to talk <3 and I hope u are feeling better with the fainting thing
I still am! Thank u tho xx
What's somthing u wish u could change about your friends
I wish that some of them didn't live hours and hours away from me
10 besties??
Lizz chels Amy bec Sean Jordan bec b Hayley josh Chrystal :P
You seem quite attached to Chelsea v and becca l, yet distant from Amy w and lizzie g and I thought you were closer with them and when ur with Chelsea and becca you seem down everything ok u can always sit with me
I love them all equally but u should message me and let me know who u are haha
hockey close friends?
Jake jol Jaime Hayley cam
Why you so down latly?
I'm not
not answering my question? it must just be for *ex and thats why you arent answering me
I don't know if I would be better off with or without you
I don't either
Sean Mathews Lizzy gill Amy whyte Chelsea verlinden and good old beeca the goat
Funniest person drunk?
Sean m and josh b
It's called crush for a reson lol
I couldn't survive without you. But I get this feeling that u could survive without me :(
That's hard cause I don't know who u are
Are u fighting with Lizzy
No not at all !!
Aww love u to poo head ❤️
I just saw u walking you dog cute shorts ;)
Haha it was soo cold
Who are the guys u have spent like every weekend with for the past months
A group of awsome kidos
So you like guys that smile a lot hmm did oscar smile a lot? ;)
I Dono
I don't even remember it was like year 7
Why do u never reply to me
I'm a bad replier :P
U and Sean should date u pretty much are it's just not official
I don't like him in that way at all....
I know him fairly well. He's still an ***hole
Sean's a good kid!
How is he a as* hole at all
you wouldn't want to talk to me so that probably isn't a very good idea
I would love to chat !
The best bloody genuine chick ever. You have No idea how awesome you are!!!
that actually made my whole night thank u so much
Why are you friends with sean matthews? He's kinda a ****.
I love him soooo much he's like my brother we both get on each other's nerves time to time but he's a good kid
I don't recon he is at all maybe try to get to know h a bit better or talk to him
Why do u always faint it's pretty funny seeing u on the floor passed out like every day having a shaking fit or what ever the **** happends to u
Wow your a jerk mate it's not funny at all
dont want to respond to my statement?
Look I would actually love it if u messaged me because I'm very lost in that aspect of life right now and would love to talk about it
I love you Tanisha! Your an amazing person.
Who ever u are I love u more
I would just like to tell u that I love u and That u are a beutiful strong girl that dosnt deserve some things that happen to u and it's good to see your well and on your feet again! Love u xxxx
:') ya gonna make me cry
How do u have so many guys at your feet tell us your ways !!!
I really don't haha
Your such a care free girl that dosnt give a **** ! Love it
Aw thank you
Your the beautiful human
Turn ons for guys
Smell good
Nice in general
Good eyes
Smiles a lot
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
Guys that change around there mates
Rude or mean if they smell bad, rarely smiles facial hair ummm yeh I dono
U r the best person on this planet. Don't know what I would do without u
Who are u beutiful human <3
are all of the 'Exwizard 5' non virgins
How many boys have you slept with
Very little
U such a chilled chick u should come out some time
Come out where haha
U have the best as* can I stick my **** into it
No ...
Where have u Been the past five months
Where I have been the past 5 years
That's not much of an answer..
I don't no things just happened
My best be going on that date or I will be!!!
Hahaha shhh
Why weren't you at training tonight?
Went to the air port to say bye to me mum and dad
Happiest person u no?
Alika she's crazy