who tf still uses qooh me wtp
I actually wanted to take It off because it's useless but now that you saying this I'm going to leave it riggghhht here?❤ enjoy your day
You have a great body?
Thank you ❤ I'm sure you do too
Can I get your number?
Can't mannn
Don't give my number to strangers sorry ❤
Your amazing
Uhm wow thanks
Your body is spectacular
Thank you but I've been eating to much ?
Can I give you attention ☆
I have enough babes
Are you going to Ireland?
God willingly
Are you and Brooklyn a thing?
Are you vibing with that boy in your class?
Are you white or what
No Dafuk? do I look white?
Psst I love you?
Pssst I know
You and Aiden would make a good couple
Ha a
Do you and Aiden have a thing going?
Nog nooit
You legit have the biggest A$$ I have ever seen
I just don't see it ?
What's a weird thing you look for in a boy
Manly A$$ hands ? and nails must be short and clean ?
Can you sit on me pls
Can you lum pls
See What I mean
??? It is what it is mahn
Top 3 cutest boys in your class ?
Hob John and Blet
Lets dala
I'm good over here. Stay over there
What do you lack
Jy's die icing ek's die cup cake ?
Jy praat kaka Ek gaan jou blocka
How did summer camp have a impact on you
Family impact ?
If you could lowkey date any boy in your register class. Who would it be
If I was a boyyyyy
Me nigga
Thoughts on shy guys
I don't think about guys
You going to project A
Have you ever been on a bus trip where they stopped for the guys to pee but didn't provide an opportunity for the girls?
One thing you do that you don't like doing
Painting my nails
Thats what I want to know, what about you two? You guys on a vibe or what??
We dating now for 7 months but we lowkey so don't tell anyone
Can I see I pick of you cause you didn't accept my follow request
Many girls don't have this but you part of those girls who looks cute when they're angry
Thank you??❤
Does your crush know you like him?
Not sure
One thing your really bad at?
Making conversation over the phone
can i grab your A$$
Go grab your mommy's "A$$"
Thoughts of school fights
how old are you?
A whole 2 years of age
Why you single ?
Lets be realllll
I do like someone but he isn't my priority rn, like not in a bad way obviously. I'm just focusing on building my relationship with God tbh ( because he really is above everyone and if you dont have a solid relationship with him how do you expect to build a brand new one with someone?) . Plus I don't even know if it will become something so I'm not rushing things , don't force the wors.
Beside I don't really do the whole relationship thing so if I ever do become taken is gonna be with someone reallll special ? because I date to get married bro, otherwise you be dating to break up .
This answer is really confusing but yeah thats why
Did you know that sponge is the main character but Patrick is the star
Now what now
babe , lets meet up at youth on friday
No thank you
Its me babe , lets leave the questions "who is you " for later babe
Oh yitte
School?and grade in 2019
Grade 12 and none of your business forra school
will dm you later babe
Nah I'm good
Because babe , i miss you
Who is you man?
i want your love babe
No thank you
Are you ever calm
I don't know. Probably when I sleep yeab
Physical appearance wise, what do you find unattractive in a boy?
Long nails and dirty hair
babe , this is so funny
Why you say so babe?
I love babe
I'd love me toooo babe
Favorite meal ?
Butter chicken
Brooklyn what? This is for questions not names and I must guess what you saying.
You like anyone?
Me nigga
What do you think of that disgustingly fat Matthew Armidt in matric at your school
I miss that cutie pie❤ and there's nothing disgusting about him?
Why they say you got implants?
Was a joke sieka
I just wna say, you are sooo beautiful!!!!
I just wanna say, thank you ❤❤
Have a school crush?
No thank you
Thicc goddess . I wish I had you. I'll just hold you tight and comfort you with unconditional love
This is cute ?❤ id love that sweetie
Did you know your "husband" is with another girl
Story of my life
Lemme slide in your dms
No thank you
Your t*** are so big
My toes are decent size
Low-key missing you? Anzeo_K
Highkey miss you tooooo
Who is lowkey in your class
Are you going to youth
Thoughts on Sakeano Campbell
No comment
Thoughts on Tristan Esau
Perdy boy☺
Thoughts on Julia Miller
Thoughts on Zanda Burns
Thats my bestie❤❤❤ and he is extremely cute
Thoughts of Adrian Adams
Thoughts on Jaydin Fester
Dik funny
Thoughts on Ethon Saaiman
He is the nicest human I know, and he cuteeee and he is really funny
Answer your dms
I'll think about it
I'm in love with the shape of you ❤❤❤
Thank you thank you ❤
We needa see the back of that orange dress?
Nee, Hou jouself in
U are so beautiful
Thank you so much ??❤
You on a buzz with someone now?
What would it take for you to reply to a dm
I do reply man?? just forget sometimes I'm sorry❤ or I just don't know What to say?
I really like u but I can't tell u i wish we could have been something
Why can't you tell me??
u crushin on anybody?
Heavy days
whats your favourite chocolate
I eat them all?
Do you reply to dm’s
Not all of them, mostly no??
Gorgeous af ???❤️?
Thank you so much ❤❤