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Tarika Naidoo


Since you're already here, just ask

206 Replies

Who's your best friend ?


tarikanaidoo replied 2929 days ago 1


What about him ?

tarikanaidoo replied 3019 days ago

Hey lil mama let me whisper in yo' ear ?

freaky ?

tarikanaidoo replied 3026 days ago

How are you feeling right now?

Annoyed and taken for granted. ?

tarikanaidoo replied 3026 days ago

What makes your life worth living?

Family, friends and my bird ❤️

tarikanaidoo replied 3039 days ago

Idk why... But I immensely love you?❤

Get to know me first?

tarikanaidoo replied 3039 days ago

You're so hot and beautiful baby. Ily??. Pls post more foxy gurl.???????????????????????????????????You're my queen baby??????

Made my day ? drop a comment so I know who you are ?

tarikanaidoo replied 3039 days ago

Reality check. You think your so hot and you're all that but your not. You are just a wannabe with a bad reputation.

*you're // Reality check. You're hiding behind a screen and you think that this message will phase me but it actually won't. You are just a lifeless soul with no intellectual capability.
Now get off my qooh me and entertain yourself some other way baby girl ?.

tarikanaidoo replied 3048 days ago 1 1

I'm joshua naidoo and i love you. Especialy when you where saris.?????????❤??????????????

Wk Joshua ☺️ Thank you x✨

tarikanaidoo replied 3048 days ago 1

You need to post a pic of you in a Harley Quinn outfit... Omg?????. How much more fire can you get???????

Harley Quinn isn't my vibe ? Too mainstream. But thank you so much! ?❤️

tarikanaidoo replied 3049 days ago

Baby gurl. You're one fine queen ????

So sweet, empowerment ???

tarikanaidoo replied 3049 days ago

What's an instant turn off for you?

No manner and no etiquette ?

tarikanaidoo replied 3049 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

We just clicked ??

tarikanaidoo replied 3053 days ago

Don't be rude and message me

Why don't you tell me who you are so I can reply ? ?

tarikanaidoo replied 3053 days ago

I asked a yes or no question btch. Didn't ask for an explanation

Well if it really concerned you, *****, you would know the answer. ??

tarikanaidoo replied 3080 days ago 1