how you feel about chelsea and nur?
Ayy I'm happy for em don't get me wrong dunno why this topic concerns you though 😂
Who was that zainab girl that was on your insta story recently
If I tell you I'd have to kill you 😉
On instagram, what is your first impression of __regaljourdan__ , the perfect queen bee? ?????♀️??
She has a nice smile but naaaah
You and Nur are mashallah ❤❤Stay safe bro's??
Thanks ?
chelsea lee alard ?
Who's that
Are you Zaid and nur triplets
No, Nur and Zaid is brothers and I'm their cousin
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
Can't remember
Is nur single or does he have someone sspecial in his life at tthe mmoment?
Not that I know of
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Can't remember
MУ Нot vidеos lооk here shr.name/gilsU tammygc610
Hi! If you want to pull me on your stick, then message me where we can meet. Message there shr.name/gilsU mackenziezk155
Zaid Harris? ?
Hes my cousin
Who want to see my nudes? chilp.it/afcd9d5 angielx934
I'm very $exy, see jxhotbox.info sarajq978
Is that so
Is muzameel dating or vibing with anyone?I think he's really cute
I want to have some fun and to play dirty jxhotbox.top stephanie0o948
Show my panties? Come here jxhotbox.stream donna3q116
My collection of $exy videos ue4t3. tk mindi4d124
This is not a question but a tip: You can put your qooh.me link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Is Ruan a player? You would know since you guys are best friends...
No..hes the most loyal person I know
Are you and Ruan family or just friends?
Just friends
What happened with u and Chelsea
Ask her yourself
Will always be versin
And you'll always be a dn?
Views on k**ky girls ? ???
Views on k**ky girls? Well they fun ?
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
That K.O says Knock out
What needs to stop ?
Me being broke
What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?
"And then"
You owe me sweaters and you must stop ripping your stuff in its poes ???
Pay me
What was your first cellphone ?
Nokia Express Music
Dream Job ?
A Kim Kardashian job where they pay me to exist
Who was your first crush ?
Selena Gomez