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Idk. You tell me.
Can't help it ;).
I don't know...
Girls don't fart.
Of course :D.
"baby girl" makes me think of old men trying to hit on children...
Ew go away, no one even likes you #loser jk, love "yewwwwwwwwwwwww" too
No one particular.
Well my favourite famous people are the ones who never fail to make me laugh.. so basically like 20 youtubers I obsess over. & As for favourite people that aren't famous, just the people that make me happy. Basically the people I hng around most. They know who they are.
C'mon now! & Boys can be pretty! But if you prefer not, that's okay too :).
Awe, thank you <3. You as well! Come off anon!
That's a little unnecessary.
Actually I don't.. I think it's yucky...
Uhm, being curled up in bed and watching How I met you mother on Netflix with my cat (:
I hope to go into dentistry. But I would NEVER go into anything that already has too much like teachers.
uhm I like the word frazzled. I HATE the word unstable.
strange, uhh. I love the sound of my cat purring. I hate the sound of squeak toys.
Hi Kaitlyn <3.
Hopefully everything I did this past summer <3. Minus meeting a douche bag.
Certain people, yes.
Most people, no.
Because I have nothing better to do with my life.
Shucks. Love you too <3.
Oh my, why are you all so sweet :$.
as are you <3. Thank you, I've had such a wonderful day, and this is just icing on the cake (:
As are you <3.
I can't name them all, but plenty.
Eh.. Sure it would bother me a bit, but if I really liked them, then why not? As long as they know I will never do it, and they don't do it around me, I really don't care.
Too many words. All I'll say is I try to be an accepting person.
Naaah :).