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Put me to bed then Zzzzzzzzzz
Cause it's the same thing everytime and im saving $$
This question is unnecessary
Hi miley
No not even if you used your manners
No I have chlamydia get it right
Well no me and Emma weren't friends when they got together and even if we were it wouldn't be awkward. It's good that they are together u twit
Only when I wanna start again
s*cks to be you hey
Revlon colorstay
It's only midnight keep partying bay bee
Ooooooooo u got me good
I'll bomb your plane shut it
Nope just that particular one
Iunno don't talk haha
Not as much as I use too but if i don't go to the gym I exercise at home a fair bit
From taste in fountain gate
Bondi sands
I actually dunno, legit every single one has hahahahah fml
I actually just frown a lot because I have sensitive eyes :(
I'm fkn fabulous, everyone should think they're pretty, gotta have sum confidence sista
They cost 5 grand i better have nice teeth
Oh u make me blush. I don't care if people talk about me, id be jealous of me too :p
1. Your boyfriend was getting close with me, duh 2. I don't know who you're talking about. 3. I have morals and balls, clearly you don't. If you have a problem inbox me or don't bother saying anything because as long as I don't know who your or your boyfriend are, I don't care.
Well yeah I do
Do you?
Tcc + Mel
I know you can ask whatever on qooh me cause I asked for it but thank you :)
Y don't you ask them
Sometimes I wish I could change my attitude but people have effected me so much espically family and I just get fired up really quickly and angry but other than that I feel good about myself
Why don't you like shut up?
Your to young shut up
Um Iunno i see them everyday who the hell is there to miss
I remember all the people :) even if you think I don't I do!
Brittany probably will ask her
1 coz i don't remember ****
Nah you are
What status has loser in it? And it's your* Obviously in #vcal, bub
Haven't seen him in so long but always has a smile on his face when he sees me which makes me happy, miss u lots
Yes, yes we do, please learn how to even spell the word before you know the meaning, dork
Every single day I do
I declare a thumb war
What's the situation
Every person in my life has hurt me at one point and I probably have to them too, except laken she's the only one I've never argued with, probably the best 12 years of friendship
I'm not sure, I don't really care anymore, if people aren't in my life there is a reason and if they are in my life I'm very lucky
Ryan Zach Sam Jack Lachie & Owen
This helped -.-
Usually after school then later at night
1. People
Them being human
Some of them :)
Life makes me sad but aint nuttin u can do hey
Happiness, but I'm turning lesbian so don't even worry about it
There's no such thing as a best boyfriend, thats a stupid question
you totally did too :p
That's sweet thank you, but if I was perfect I wouldn't need to alter myself to make myself feel decent
HAHAHAHA what no? I think I've seen him outside school once at jades party and I definitely didn't I had became single the day before that so it didn't happen for sure.
Don't talk to him so don't know but have heard lots hahahah
Haven't spoken to him in a long time but he was always nice and when i see him he always gives me a smile :)
Not a lot of people get to know him because he's not that outspoken but I've gotten to know him a bit more this past year and I'll defend him if anyone says anything about him because he's one of the funniest people I've met, biggest smart as* but thats what I like. :)
I'm not sad like I use to be, I'm a lot better but I have my days and they hit pretty hard but other than that it's none of your business why I'm sad and I wouldn't publicise that either.
I feel a bit violated that you stare at me, I kind of just do my work in there, soz.
only 1
Being destroyed
i love sean xoxo
No it's my way at getting at Taylah when she made a stupid status that was his fault and not mine. I don't want jack he's disgusting
Jealous of who.. All my mates know who I like? If you think I'm jealous of jack and taylah why would I be jealous of a relationship based on lies hehehe
I have 8, I beat everyone xx
That's cute
ooooooooookkkkk champ
Well no i didn't lead him on he has a girlfriend so he shouldn't of liked me in the first place, his choice.
who the hell is jack pls use last names
Cause he's disgusting and i hope he has a **** one thinking about me when he's with her girlfriend he he
jack who?
People say if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all
I think I've said one word to him in my life, shut up