I hate you
cool I probs hate you too!!!! Hehe
so true babe I have se* with everyone:-) xxxx
you're a f***ing teenybopper slu*, i hate you so f***ing much reneeesi
I hate u so much
did u fall from heaven coz have se* with me reneeesi
Sweet xx
thoughts on renee stephenson xx reneeesi
Idk her xx
fave person??? (hint hint) reneeesi
Not u
im good thanks xx reneeesi
That's great xx
you complain about people not liking you and shi* and being depressed and then you walk around school starting shi* with people, makes hella sense.
Wtf I've never say I'm depressed dumb Bit**? And I'm not the one who starts shi* babe so shut up
Taylah is actually one of the nicest girls so shut up! <3
Aw love you Rhiannon!!!! <3
Your the biggest Bit** at downs.
says the one that's calling me a Bit** on anonymous:) xx
Who do you like
I actually don't like anyone
Iphone vs Android and reason for your choice?
can you make better q's plz, these are gay
Thoughts on Sophia Davies? Xoxo
nice gal
Why do you always say to stop talking about him.
probably because we have nothing to do with each other anymore
Are you stil in love with Riley?
can you actually stop asking me questions about riley, we've clearly both moved on
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
Titanic gets me every single time!!!!!!!!!!! Ily Leonardo DiCaprio
Ah! You're so perfect it hurts, I hope I get to meet you one day! You may not think you are perfect but trust me everything I know about you is like the definition of my best friend! xo
Aw omg this is so cute!!!! Please inbox me!!! Xxx
Your such a tough **** yelling at people at school just wait until the whole school turns against you .
Ha lol ok firstly: I will yell at whoever I want to, secondly: I'm not going to let some Bit**es say shi* and do shi* about me and my friends without them facing the consequences, even if it gets me into trouble and thirdly: I hate majority of my school so I couldn't give a f*** who turns on me:-)
Hey shi* head, I <3 you :P
Omg I love you too Kylie you shi*head;-) <3
Seriously. ..kiddies give it a rest & leave Taylah and Nae alone. You're making complete fools of yourselves and just making things worse for yourselves.
Bloody love your guts whoever this is
not gonna happen pal.
Thoughts on Brodee and Spencer.
is this some kind of a sick joke?
You just f***ing bagged out mentally retarted people you low life
no I didn't what the f***?
whoever sent the qoohme about me should probz choke on an infected p**** you f*** xx reneeesi
I hope they get herpes and die xx
Can you just get with him again?
get with who again?
Thoughts on all the hate Renee is getting?? She's a dumb slu*.
My thoughts are that I hope you and your family's car drives off a cliff and leaves you all mentally retarted :) dumb f***.
One thing that the world does not know about you?
A lot of things? Idk
why do you always wear the same clothes.
Soz I don't have any time to go shopping because I'm working all the time:)
Do you like Sefton?
Did I not just answer this question earlier today? **** off
Who was your first kiss
Gary Jewell
Name 3 people you trust?
My mum
lol do you like sefton? he has a girlfriend babe :) cute nickname for him by the way
Nooooooo I don't. Lol you think I don't know that? So his not allowed to talk to other people? lol ok. Thanks babe:)
What boy are you most close to?
probably seffy
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Your cute
thnx bby love ya
When did you and Riley break up ?
almost a month ago. get with the program, gosh mate
Do you support human cloning and why or why not?
wtf is with the **** questions
Riley is still in love with you ! He's using Tylah
bull**** mate, just fk off
Do you like anyone
haha nah
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
i would slap a parent for $5
Do you have a boyfriend
no lol:-(
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
No it's not guess again
no thnx
Have you had se*
i have answered this question about 10 times, no.
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
hahahahagagaha wtf
is this Liam again omg
hey ur renees friends do u know if she goes out with year 8
hahahahahhahahahhahahahahahaahhahahaahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahhaahahahaahhahahahaahhahahahaahhaahhahahahahaah wtf laughing at u
Wanted to know
ok well i don't write this **** down soz
Did you and him kiss
oh idk why
Favourite person ever??
So was riley a **** anytime during your relationship
What boy isn't? lol
Because she is
**** off and stop being so rude
Tylah is fat
why are you telling me this.
I saw you working at maccas today your so good
Why are you even friends with Leeora ? She's the biggest teenybopper.
I'm friends with her coz she is great
Did you and Andrew Scalzo kiss
yeah we did
If se*y were a crime, you’d have life in prison
thoughts on Riley and tylah?;)
**** them both!:-)
Why ont you go back out with him?
Thoughts on Grace Pyke xxx
I'd say the truth, but she would probs tell the teachers on me again:-) lol *****
Ill ask whatever i want...
woah attitude mate
Do you still like Riley
no so stop asking me questions about riley ok stfu
Hottest song right now according to you?
any opera song xx
You are so pretty!
thank you!!! means alot xox
You and Riley should date again
i'm right thanks:)
I love you..
love you too:-) inbox me xx
Your pretty xox
you're pretty.
Girl your beautiful tylah is an ugly fat f***er her doesn't know how to keep away from people boyfriends. Love chew se*y!!♡♥♡
bit harsh!!! but love uuuuu,
Heard you got in a fight with Grace at school ? I don't like her
yeh lol
so do you like anyone?
how do u get rid of chicken in ur lungs?
idk ren xx soz
Do you like sweaty balls dipped into your mouth like a tea bag?