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Tay Lin


ask me anything, but don't be an a$$ xx

37 Replies

Pheobe Kane


taylah.lindrea replied 2950 days ago


good kid

taylah.lindrea replied 2950 days ago

What mistake will you never make again?

liking dckheads

taylah.lindrea replied 3022 days ago 2

thoughts on tyler

if you mean tyler barnett, well hes my ex, and we aren't friends anymore, so not many thoughts about him......

taylah.lindrea replied 3022 days ago

thoughts xoxo taylxrsmyth

good as chick, good to talk to, nice, pretty af and would love to catch up sometime xxxxx

taylah.lindrea replied 3024 days ago 1

Top 10 Best guy friend from BSE year 9

trent, darcy,jet, Flynn, Charles, Daniel, and sorry if I forgot someone

taylah.lindrea replied 3024 days ago

What's the dumbest thing you've ever spent money on?

probably like every piece of clothing i own because i dont wear much

taylah.lindrea replied 3065 days ago

thoughts xxx tamara.stanford

tam, you are so fckin pretty it makes me mad, you are so good to talk to, always there for me, love you to bits, best chick xxxxx

taylah.lindrea replied 3071 days ago 1 1

thoughts? xx flynnpcook123

Flynn! absolute cutie, we have some pretty good memories and you send some of the worst snapchats, but love them on the occasion. you are a good to talk to, good looking kid, and just an absolute legend. love u long time xxx

taylah.lindrea replied 3071 days ago 1

thoughts on kaidi xxx

wow girl, I've known you for years and years now and we still get along good as! we have had our downs and also our ups but you are such a cool chick, good to be around, good to talk to, trustworthy and just an absolute stunner! love you girl xxxx

taylah.lindrea replied 3072 days ago 1

What's your snapchat


taylah.lindrea replied 3072 days ago

Which talent you wish you had ?

to ignore people

taylah.lindrea replied 3072 days ago

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

probably everything besides hurting my ankle just before basketball tournament, lol

taylah.lindrea replied 3079 days ago

I hear you play grid iron, is this right?


taylah.lindrea replied 3080 days ago

do you think tess is attractive?

Tess you are a beautiful human being

taylah.lindrea replied 3080 days ago