Do you miss anyone from wodonga
Only the wolfpack and my fam xo
are you even a part of the wolf pack any more?
Hows Melbs
Goooood actually :)
Who are you dating?
No oneeeeeee
if i could change anything in my life it would be that i kept you.. i could see us now being the cutest couple ever
has everyone like forgotten you since you left?
Yep, even people I thought wouldn't :(
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
What did you last dream about?
Omg it was ****e/d up.
who is someone you miss who you used to be close with
Shaun and I'm not saying the others on here.
Last 5 inboxs?
Daniel, Zac, Kristian, Brock and Kyle
have you ever been close with someone and now your not?
Of course
thoughts on Courtney burns :)
She's gorgeouuuussss
What do you s*ck at?
Forgiving people
Friend you cannot live without?
Wolfpack xo
SERIOUS QUESTION. Your 15 year old daughter is a **** and sends multiple nude photos to boys all around town, what do you do? Punish her like a good parent or be a total f uckwit and abuse other teens? HAHA chorrri
Ummmmmm let me think.. I reckon abuse other teens wbu ;)
Do you actually do drugs?
What an absolute f/ucking idiot. Courtney and her friends are stupid b/itches anyway. tallulahgoslett
I know!! Hahaha thanks Tallulah :*
It's probably the same person who was abusing me the other week hahahahah, nothing but s hit c unt anons. chorrri
Let's take 'em
Lol what a joke. chorrri
NO CORBY, we should be scared
I'll wreck em Tayla, don't even worry ma brah chorrri
It's okay they're apparently coming to your house ;)
not telling ya who i am because i wanna see the look on ya face when you come up and say hi then i knock ya right there ....i know what ya been saying but us all
Why the f/uck would I say hi to you, listen to yourself hahaha I sure as hell don't associate with anyone whos a f/uckhead like you. Don't be so full of yourself hehe and the funny thing is I haven't spoken to or about anyone from Wodonga since I moved so s*ck a big fat d/ickkkkk
hahahah you think it is cc or her mates thats fu.cking funny
Is it funny? Like really funny or just funny? F/uck offfff
we will see wont we hahahahaha it will only be us laughing worse thing is you have no clue who it is all i will say is you really wont expect it hahahaha
OoooOooooooh I'm scared, you only think you're tough because I don't know who you are which shows you're weak as p/isssss. Stop talking yourself up when you are nothin xo
Yeah boi, my house. Bring ya mob chorrri
F/uck, it's probably the cc army. I should probably hide
there is quite a few waiting for ya to come back we all know what ya been saying behind our backs skank your fu.cked big time
Hahaha over qooh me makes it even funnier. I've been back twice already since I moved and neither you or your mates have done anything hahaha shut up and stop making me laugh
i heard ya were staying at kayla's well in wodonga then we need to catch up so i cant punch the **** outta ya
Hahaha see ya there boi
Heard ya gonna be in lavi next week we should catch up
Not Lavi hahahaha yeah brah we tots should
I'm a sick b itch Tayla, don't f uck with me ya junkie dawg chorrri
Leave me alone I'm in rehab right now, and you better watch your back because I'll get my mum to inbox you
Tayla ya sick c unt, come do drugs with me braaaaaa chorrri
F/uck that, you're soooooooo disgusting Chori brah
yuck. you're in year 10 and you do drugs.
Get off my qooh me, I'm cooler then you
Did you get kept down a year?
Are you actually kidding me right now? Hahaha no I'm 16 and I'm ment to be in year 10 WHICH I AM. Go to school, you need it more then I do
Shouldn't you be finishing school in a year and a half?
I'm halfway through year 10, so if you want to get all technical and **** then it's 2 and a half years. Either way, tell me again how I'm doing nothing then mother f/ucker
If I was going to go and be a politician, at least I would be doing something good with my life, unlike you
Okay, remind me of this in 3 years time when I'm finished school you small minded f/ucker
This dumb c/unt should shut up before I throw my bong at them kaylahetherton
HAHAHA i know, listen to the c/unts
Anyone who does drugs, that is not for medical purposes, need to neck themselves. They are the ones who steal off of the government and are putting this country in a bad financial place. We need to kill them all and clean the gene pool.
Considering I've never got one pay off the government in my life so ehhh you f/ucked that one up. Go be a politician or something because I don't give a f/uck
No, you once said you were in love with me. and that was just before you started doing drugs. So yeah, I liked you too, but when you started that ****, turned me off straight away. I was full on in love with you
Aw that's a f/ucking shame isn't it. Wahhhh
Stop being such a **** to Courtney, because I promise you that you'll regret if I ever meet you he he. She HAS been called CC her life, and I'd know. Watch what you say because it'll bite you one day.
Aw bby I'm scared, why don't you inbox me so we can meet properly hehe. Bite me
**** me **** leave Tayla alone she's not a drugged ****ed **** so lay of like she said she hasn't touch on drug for two months so just lay the **** off her your the ones starting her
Hahaha ty
The reason that you moved to melbourne is so you have more dealers. **** OFF YOU DRUGGO ****.
Isn't it sad, having to give up drugs at 16?
Hahaha no I didn't move to Melbourne for that you reason you f/ucking **** ****. I bet ya $10 you don't even know me therefor you have no idea why I moved. And I didn't have to give up drugs HAHAHA wait nah I'm a full on junkie, had to go to rehab woops
Haha can see why ya dad ****ed off I would to if I had a kid like you
Hahaha well he actually has 3 kids and he left a few years ago and I had nothing to do with him leaving. Good effort in trying to be a big c/unt and effecting me, buuut you didn't :*
Hate you for moving, I hadn't seen you in like 10 years now I'm probs not going to see you for another 20 samarapregulski
Aw Sammi :( I'm visiting next week starting saturday! I'll inbox you closer to then and I'll pop in to see you and meet Alijah if you're free :) xxx
Dumbest thing you've ever heard?
Kayla Hetho says alot of dumb things so idk which one is the dumbest xox
Did he leave?
Pretty sure I just said it's none of your f/ucking business. F/uck off you nosey ****.
What happened to ya dad?
None of your business.
Name the people you've made friends with
Theres a few, and I think they know.
What are you really good at?
You're so nice and fun to party with! And we had some fun times in Primary School, when you made us all not go on year 5 camp ;)
who do you not really know that well from mgc, but you'd like to know/talk to?
Theres a lot of people I don't know too well but seem really nice :)
Thoughts on Brock plas
Ily xoxox
Aw imy, haven't seen or spoken to you in a long time but you were always so good to be around and funny. Nice boy :)
Why do you hate draie and shanah so much ? :)
Because Draie is so up himself, and he thinks that his better than everyone when his not at all. And Shanah ****ed someone she shouldn't have.
anyone who knows tayla knows she isnt a s l u t and wouldnt do something like that!! f u c k off anon
You tell 'em
Lol, kyle ford fingered you for a cig and you go around calling other people s.luts.
Hahahahahahahaha yep because he said give me a cig and I said only if you finger me? Come up with something a little better then that plz. Soz I'm not Shanah May :*
Him and his s/lutty gf are perfect for eachother. And Jaz Bartlett showed me the nude he sent her with his ugly small d/ick. He is one ugly motherf/ucker and one day the wolfpack will spit on him xo
Who would you like thank today and what for?
My mum and for being there for me no matter what.
i really miss you and i dont know how to tell you :(
Maybe inboxing me could be a start
thoughts on taylor venaskie
Ha ha ha ha
Which part of melbourne do you live in
Have you had *ex before?
thoughts on harry mckoy and liam childs?
Both funny ****ers :*
last 5 inboxs ? xoxox
Chori, Daniel, Zac, Spencer and Kyle
Do you miss anyone
Of course
is it true that you slept with spencer.
No it's not wtf
How was your weekend ;)
Fine thanks
who are the best friends you could ever ask for
Mariah and the wolfpack, everyone else are **** ****s
What pisses you off the most?
Who did you get with tonight
No one hehe
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Too many
What's mgc stand for
Thoughts on ya new school?
It's fun :)
What school do you go to now!
Last inboxs again? 5
Johnny, Bridgette, Daniel, Scotty k boi and Micky Willy xox
Hahahahahaha bunch of s k a n k s
Thoughts on shanah may
What everyone else in Wodonga thinks of her.. Guess for yourself
hahahah your answers are funny
You're funny
****in love ya, funniest **** and known you for years. Miss you and btw nice shoes
why are you and michael wilson tagging eachother on fb
Cause were funny people wbu
you never reply to me and i actually wanted a chance with you
Too bad
who was in your humanities class at senior
Issy and Kyle. Brock joined the mob but he wasn't cool like us
Favourite boys\?
Hmm idk micky willy, zac pertzel, shaun
Whos your favourite boy
What are boys
I miss you): come back! Voncinaaaa
Omg I miss you too :(
This weekend! xx
what friend
Inbox me and maybe if I like you enough I'll tell ya
Pretty n pink
**** you Cody Pilkington. Just remember what I have ;)
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Yes omg ****
Whats the plans for the weekend
Wolfpack ****ing **** up
Dug wake the **** up to yourself kaylahetherton
Doug* and you wake the **** up to yourself Allan