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bring it, *****esss

235 Replies

Kill count?

Sorry I don\'t play video games

taylloorlee replied 4193 days ago

So you say girls who smoke weed are dirty f***ers. Didn't you used to smoke it? Like ALL the time

yeah I did lol, doesn\'t mean it\'s not dirty thus why I quit.. it\'s actually so trashy& girls who smoke are major turn offs

taylloorlee replied 4193 days ago 1

seeing ur fb posts about having awsome t*** and how u can pick up guys because u have big t***, i cant help but say, what if you were flat chested, i wonder what kind of personality you would have? n i no ur awser will be, well good thing i have big t*** lol groovestreetbusta

I only post that stuff cause its funny and besides regardless of whether I\'m big chested or flat chested I\'m still fabulous ;)

taylloorlee replied 4201 days ago 1

Its ur boo thats who said that

Figured that much

taylloorlee replied 4203 days ago

can u swallow my stuff

excuse me

taylloorlee replied 4203 days ago

Dint listen to these thirsty motherf***ers, if they were f***ing u theyd say different but ur mine beautiful

:\') thanks anon

taylloorlee replied 4203 days ago

y r u such fat ***** ??????

Why can\'t you spell? And I\'m not :)

taylloorlee replied 4203 days ago

Are u ***** right now

not for youuuuu

taylloorlee replied 4205 days ago

do you have any toys

like barbies and stuff? Yeahhh !

taylloorlee replied 4232 days ago

All you are is drama! Go back to glendale cow

Drama? Lol, hmmm I actually do not take any part in this so called "drama" , basically doesn't even exist in my life so id like to know how I'm drama & I didn't go to Glendale, skinny minny ;)

taylloorlee replied 4236 days ago

like omg i no right, like totally is like wtf?! oh i no right? like cmon, like wht evva, ew is he like? totally not, far fetch, no kiddin omg

Shut your damn trap, Bit**

taylloorlee replied 4238 days ago

I think you're so gorgeous :)

Aw thankyou :)

taylloorlee replied 4239 days ago

thoughts on me tay? Jaumol

Well we used to be tight and then you started being kind of mean and acting like a douche but it's whatever.. I don't actually have any hate towards you, you've always been chill in my books and you're f***ing hilarious. Oh and you're pretty tough !

taylloorlee replied 4239 days ago

Learn to read I never called you fat I said people call you fat. I just wanna know that Bit**es name maybe i wanna f*** her

I read what you said hunny, what I'm saying is so what if I am? and so what if she is? you just sat here and called someone you don't even know the name of "shamu" and a whale... How f***n arrogant!!!!! For your sake I hope you keep this anonymous bc your clearly a Pu**y as* Bit** and shed drop you in no time. Better never let me find out who you are, or you can consider yourself f***ed .

taylloorlee replied 4239 days ago

You never did answer the question who's the whale... Like people say you are fat but then shamu walks on scene :P

maybe I am fat? And so what if I am, it's not your body or your life, I've been with some pretty good looking guys so I can't be that bad ;) & seriously don't f***ing talk about people you donno like that, she's a f***ing amazing person and you're sitting here judging us by our weights????? Jheeze hunny , mind your own...

taylloorlee replied 4240 days ago