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Taylor Constable



486 Replies

How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?

donut have one

taylorconstable replied 3120 days ago

Taylor Smyth is literally the biggest slag gettin round. She so mean and rude to everyone and she doesn't give a sht about anyone but herself. All she does is start sht, funny how you's used to be friends, your nothing alike.

get the fûck off my page and go snitch somewhere else you annoying fûcker, I don't want your salty A$$ beef..

taylorconstable replied 3120 days ago 1 3

What is your purpose in life?

to fûck shît up

taylorconstable replied 3124 days ago

thoughts on taylor Smyth ?

why you askin everyone, stop tryna start beef baby xx but no thoughts don't have anything to do with her.

taylorconstable replied 3125 days ago 3

Which was the best year of your life so far, and why?

01 bc fresh out the womb with 0 beef up in here

taylorconstable replied 3129 days ago 2

Thoughts g xoxo beecham

One of my favs, absolutely hilarious, gorgeous and literally a top chick. So many funny mems and gotten close recently. Your a legend and ily beef queen ??

taylorconstable replied 3129 days ago 1 1

What causes you to stay up late?


taylorconstable replied 3132 days ago 1

How big is your dck

huge as, ask @chloethatcher

taylorconstable replied 3132 days ago 1 1

What are you tired of?


taylorconstable replied 3142 days ago

snapchat besties?

Jarvis, Janayah, gus, ebony, hutchy, Chloe T, Harry T

taylorconstable replied 3142 days ago

What would put a smile on your face today ?

Seeing my puppadawgs

taylorconstable replied 3149 days ago

What's a lesson you learned the hard way?

my whole life lmao

taylorconstable replied 3151 days ago 1

If you were suddenly elected president, what would be your first thing you do?

make food free

taylorconstable replied 3156 days ago

Chloe's a slût to be honest

why you telling me

taylorconstable replied 3156 days ago 1 1

tyler doesn't like you

jokes on you because I don't like him either

taylorconstable replied 3156 days ago 1