Actually kill yourself ur not gunna get a guy anyway. Ally already took yours;)
Ally is is gorgeous and deserves kody. U r ugly and u dont deserve anyone cuz ur gross.
Would you actually give people bjs?
Idk sc me and youll find out:)
Ally greenbird and kody r so cute huh??!?!
Dont u just luv kody n ally together!
Guys stop saying rude stuff on here just saying it's rude and if you want her to kill her self keep it to your self because she has her own beautiful life to live and you got yours so go live yours and stay out of hers
Plz sc me:)
What do you eat with your rice *asian*
I like stir fry
Do you like Ramtin?
Do you like Ramtin?
U are the best bbg (ella) ❤️❤️ Ella28b
I love u gf
If I was a male, and I had a big dck, would you date me?
Would u sick my dck
Uhhh sc me?
Who was ur fav guy u dated ps ily
I have no fav guy their all douches
Do you cut ??
Not your business if u want to know sc me:)
So glad kody ended with u;) ur so gross
Ally is prettier than u
What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?
Ur gorgeous and deserve everything! U deserve to be happy?? Megan200263
Kody doesnt deserve a hoe like u;)
Stop trying to be my friend I don't like you Janzen_Wark
I dont wanna be friends w u u made my life a living hell so of course i wanna be friends with someone who does that right? So go fck urself❤
What do you never trust?
Kill yourself please u dont belong:) (****)
Wish i never have to see your ugly face again!
Fake **** who fckd a gr 11 kys
What makes you genuinely happy?
What is your number one rule?
My number one rule is don't care
Can I be you!!???
If u wanna be ugly?❤
Can u share some of u prettynes!!?????
If I had any to share;)??
Your so pretty how!!??????
I'm not but thankusm?
Your gorgeous?????
I'm sorry... you're so beautiful and gorgeous Taylor and Ilysm...? ugh
Taylor you're honestly so beautiful and gorgeous and so pretty! I miss you all the time when we don't talk.
You're my world. Don't listen to the negative people! Because those people are a$$holes and are not worth your time! I hope you know who this is!
bb don't listen to the haters bcz u r sm better than them. u r so pretty and funny and they r just stupid for saying sht like that. ilysm?? claudia.drewitt
Sorry u feel that way
Kys u hoe how many guys do u like. Like holy fck pick one stupid ****.
I only like one.
R u and laken a thing???
What do you no longer waste time on?
What Is wrong with u. Ur CAS stuff is bullsht. Stop being an attention *****.
Ok well u don't know me
Your so nice and sooo pretty!!???
Like how??
Noooo I think you have the wrong person. But thanks there should be more ppl like u in sarnia??
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
Hoehoehoe merry christmas
Stop your so immature
Thoughts on Lucian?
Such a at! Miss him like crazy?? hangouts sooonnnn!!! Luv u?
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
Butches snakes fake ppl and everyone I HATE that bullies me
thoughts on michael kabat?
Bae! And my best friendd
You don't know me but I just wanted to say you are so pretty and you seem so nice!❤❤❤ Don't listen to the haters
Thanks smm?? msg me on snap!!
Whoever told Taylor to kill her self is really disgusting. she such amazing gorgeous person and she doesn't deserve to have people force or tell her what to do. I love you bbg stay strong don't listen to what other people tell you ly? lilyrose81990
What's the most expensive thing you own?
Your gorgeous asf and don't let no one else tell you anything else but gorgeousness doesn't even matter cause you soo mice too MarisaLough
Y'all need to grow the fck up and leave taylor alone. Stop being little children.
Keep your head up taylor ?
How are you so pretty???
Awh I'm not but thanks whoever said this your gorgeous on the inside and out never forget that
Ur beautiful, and please dont listen to people, you deserve to be here, i promise! I love you gorgeous, stay strong? Madi.gabel
whoever told taylor to kill herself, you are so disgusting. how bad would you feel if she did? she would be gone foreve,there would be no way of taking those words back! taylor is a beautiful, kind, amazing, human being, and your being just a terrible person. teahhjade
I love you baby
Jack symington likes u
No he doesn't
How far would u go with Jack symington?
Would u wheel jack symington?
Would you wheel Andrew Cook
Hah no
Or better yet just kys
Like grow up people like you act like little children. Just because you have a problem with me doesn't mean you have to say shot over social media! If you want to tell me to go kill myself you can tell it to my face. Be mature and grow up because one day the person you hate on will eventually lull themselves and you can be charged. And the people you "hate" Rn well ppl will forget everything and if you continue to be a bully everyone will hate you. So think about what you are doing to me and other people before you say it.
Some people don't realize that your words sometimes mean more than words and can be taken very seriously. People like you are the reasons people don't want to live. Maybe their like is bad enough and they have to live with people like you and make it worse. Grow up and think about what your saying or keep it to yourself. It will save you a lot of trouble.
What would you do if you had no fear ?
When were you the most happy and why?
I'm always the happiest when I'm with Taylor b
Why are you single?
Too ugly
What are you bad at ?
Use pertection next time
Go away janzen
What is one thing you know if you stopped doing, you would save so much money?
What could you talk endlessly about?
A guy;)
Why is everyone so rude to you and wtf is wrong with the human race ?
Idek they should stop bc they act like little children calling people names and thinking it's cool but it's not words can actually hurt someone.
What specific thing do you dislike about people?
I hate when they have more then 1 face
What's the best luck you have ever had in your life?
Breaking up with janzen?
Ok first, your a fcking hoe. Second no one likes you. Third your greasy. 3 perfectly good reasons why no one likes you. Oh and your annoying asf you little ****
Haha if you kys we would all be happy? Sorry **** I don't talk to girls who fck gr 11s.
Sorry u feel that way but that's a rumour it's not fuickng true so bye
U a hoe or nah
Nah lol u can stop
What makes your life worth living?
Who u sending nudes to now
What's it like to be you?
What it's like to be me.. let's see it s*cks having everyone talking shot about you 24/7 that's what it's like
s*ck my dck you fcking hoe
Who are you currently ignoring and why?
All the snakes cuz I fcking hate em
Why are you happy today?
Who said I was happy btch
What's the most overrated thing ever?
Do u even take showers
No I don't they kill me
Lol Stop saying sht about dianna
I'm not
what happened with you and diana
Nothin that u need to kno bout
What were you doing seven years ago?
I was being a little kid?
What is a waste of money to you?
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?