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ask me a question, its free

1k Replies

When do you know you're in love?

When their happiness is yours. When you think about them whenever you have a spare moment in your day and you smile about that thought, and all of a sudden your day is so much better than it was. When you would do anything for them no matter how tired and sore you are, to see them feel better. When they are your number 1 priority and nothing less. When compromising for both peoples needs is a simple task. When you feel so alive and complete with them, but can also be content alone as they empower you to be a strong individual. And when you can genuinely look at then and know you want to spend the rest of your life with them, and they feel that way too. Thats when you know youre in love.

tboages replied 2669 days ago

What were you doing seven years ago?

At school starting year 6

tboages replied 2708 days ago

What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?


tboages replied 2716 days ago

What little thing pisses you off greatly?


tboages replied 2721 days ago

What's a big turnoff on the first date?

Arrogance? Dunno never had a bad first date (only had one haha)

tboages replied 2735 days ago

What is something that actually offends you?

People telling me my hair colour is yellow

tboages replied 2744 days ago

What are you good at ?

Not making decisions

tboages replied 2765 days ago

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

Troy bolton

tboages replied 2771 days ago

How are you feeling right now?


tboages replied 2773 days ago

What are you sick and tired of?


tboages replied 2779 days ago

What makes your life worth living?


tboages replied 2787 days ago

What's an instant turn off for you?

Smoking and goes out drinking

tboages replied 2796 days ago

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

Pay off both my parents mortgages

tboages replied 2799 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

Up in the clubrooms at yarra for thursday teas after training

tboages replied 2803 days ago

What was the best decision of your life?

Yes 19.09.14

tboages replied 2807 days ago