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go ahead, anything you wanttt

1.1k Replies

Why are u even on tatijanas account

she's at my house lmfao - kellie

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

fck off kellie

take your own advice

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

No one asked for your input kellie

If you mess with my friend, you mess with me - kellie

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

Why did you even get involved you short A$$ bitćh

if you use your logic you would know :) - kellie

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

Why did you even get involved you short A$$ bitćh

if you use your logic you would know :) - kellie

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

Spam spam spam spam spam (:

Wow i can't even with anon. " Your fcken taken, and your posting bikini photo on your ig and is so expose.... wtf " Just because she is taken doesnt mean she cannot post a bikini photo like wtf? do you need help? its just a fken bikini photo oml there are many girls who post bikini photos. I dont see why you are worried in the first place. Who gives a fck whether the bikini is fake or not. Its a bikini The fact that you actually care whether its a fake bikini or not just shows how low your life is right now. i'm pretty sure these hates are coming from a year 7 girl at kdc who came to kristinas bday or just goes kdc. If this is one of tatijanas friend who are sending hate, stop being a fken two face and tell her face to face rather than being a ***** hiding behind a fken screen. Why do you even care about Tatijana and Hieu being in a relationship? It got nothing to do with you and doesnt concern you. who cares if hieu is shorter than tatijana, as long as they love eachother and as long as you fck off. Im sick and tired of all these hate that is irrelevant and not necessary, seriously just fck off. Hating is not going to get you anywhere beside showing how immature you are. And no Tatijana did not tell me to come here to say all this. i saw her last night so dont bother saying stuff about me defending her and why she couldnt do it herself. She can defend herself but i just chose to defend her as well. Overall i just want to say to anon is to fck off and go find something better to do btw dont forget to wash your mouth cos its full of sht :) - kellie pham

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

Last song you played before replying to this ?

swimming pools - Kendrick Lamar

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

sht I wrote that, I accidentally wrote anon - kellie

ily kellie

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

Anon, pls stop making assumption and leave Tatijana, whatever goes on her life doesn't concern you so you might as well fk off :) - kellie

ily kellie

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

DW abt the haters, they're fken retarded

thank youuuu

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

Ok I apologise, you were sitting with him in creed


tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

At Kristinas you were sitting at the end of the row with Hieu. Remember u dumb sht

no I was with kellie and maya

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

In the movies you were

at kristina's I was sitting with kellie and maya, at Diana's I was sitting next to him, get your facts right

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

No wonder you were almost flashing your A$$ to hieu at kristinas birthday party lolol

I didn't even sit next to him at kristina's party though lol

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago

No wonder you were almost flashing your A$$ to hieu at kristinas birthday party lolol

I didn't even sit next to him at kristina's party though lol

tdobrriicc replied 3138 days ago