Umuhle mara ugundeleni ?! Angaz' manje mabebeza. Khula inwele weer.
haHa,,m tiReD Of haIr
whu wuldnt u date in ur class nym 10 of dem nd boyz plz
In mY claSs,,gOSh oH mY!!
LoL..thEMbA nD crAiGe..SAdLY OnLy!!
Who you d8tin
SinGle BaBEy
i think i lyk U
oH..,,OhKY..I thInK??,
why you stealin my man?
HEheHEhe,,lOl..i WOndeR wHo???('',)
tjo,gurL you rockd ur heels on friday,i love them!
WhO do you tell all ur secrets?
WATs your biggest fear?
It WoUld BE sKy dIViN...
TjO ItS jSt 2 SCArY For MEh aI!!!
who do you love the most?
TjO...I Lurv GoD ...dA mOSt!!nE...BuT RegUaRgiN Ppl I lURv My MotHeR...LoaDz...
Nd mY tsHIaMo...
MARA WHy you so forward?
HAiBo...m NoT ForWArD!,,
(",)...Ai idK yaZi...
Do u talk 2 your crush??(thato)
KiNDa!.WeLl..NoT reAlI..!
who are ur close frnds?
ClOSe??...hMmm ThInKIn!!,,
gOT qUitE alOt heY!,,,Cn NyM My BEStIEs THoU!,,FAymO nd ZoWTeA..Nd My TiNka...lURv DAt sTAx..!
lawl... du yuW think @nd'Ee iz lesbo?? AndZz
MxM...REaLli aNDy reaLi nOW??
yaZi maRa weNA#
Which grd 8 galz r u not fond off?
i kIndA dNt hUV a PrOb wIT maNY OF eM!..BuT i If i haD 2 nYm OnE of eM It WoUld Be HlaNhla!.
Uhm...u really pretty hy...but at timez its like u think u beta then otherz..,do u thnk u have arrogance?#not hating
mMMm..lAwL...,I dNt thInK aNy1 WoULd THiNk arRogaNCe Of Em seVleS...
nD nO! i DoNT ThInk So!. i JSt HuV a StRoNG PeRsOnaLiTy!
who do u have ur eye on at the moment
#BlUSheZ..ACtuAl faCt i Do!!
mY tInKA..*sMiLieZ.[=ThaTo
what waz ur most embarressing moment
laWl...aI iTS tOoOO eMbrAsSiN 2 teLL
Hav u eva d8ed ur best fwend's ex?? Or get noty wit hm whyl dey wher still d8n...?
LAwL..No I wOulD nevEr dO sUCh..2 My FRiEnd..
i VAluE FRieNDshIp!!
Who's your best guy friend ??
EisH..I hUv QuITe aLot...
mY tOp 4 WoUld BE:tOolZ MAnuEl raYZ nD kaMo!
Who are you dating currently
HEheHE..m SiNGle
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
LAwL..DAt m A baD frND*!!
Describe yourself in 3 words?
SwEeT ForWArD..CuTe_as*
whose your bestie?
mY beStIE?..EyO ZoLeKA.,Em besTieZ ArE FAymO Nd My thInKa lURv hA StaX
i heard u lyk k.g is it true?
I dID bUt nOT aNyMorE HeY!