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1.7k Replies

Glad your off ice Bubs

proud of myself, thanks ??

teagansimari replied 3378 days ago

This is what i have realized, if people hang out with you, they straight away get on the crack bad as,
Your a crack head, now boot off from everyone's life junkieeeee

fck off dog I don't touch gear anymore you goose hahahha junkie

teagansimari replied 3469 days ago

Last person you argued with and why ?


teagansimari replied 3553 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?


teagansimari replied 3592 days ago

Name anyone you dated in the past ?

No I hate them all

teagansimari replied 3626 days ago

What is your biggest success up until now?


teagansimari replied 3629 days ago

Someone you miss being close with

No one

teagansimari replied 3634 days ago

Why do you keep going back to the person who down sonething so bad to you

Please don't ask me these sort of questions, it makes me want too turn

teagansimari replied 3637 days ago

Who are the top 5 people that helped you out thr most last year. Name them.

My Mum and Dad, they count as one, my sisters, they count as one, Dylan Bedet, Kiara Douglas, Chloe Batty and Maya and Jordyn because they've shown me how I can be myself instead of acting like someone I'm not, love all of you's!

teagansimari replied 3637 days ago

How much do you weigh?

Personal question for **** sake

teagansimari replied 3641 days ago

Plans for the new year ?

Been and gone Your a bit late

teagansimari replied 3648 days ago

I love you baby xx Kaylabent

I love you too xx

teagansimari replied 3652 days ago

The best song in 2014 for you ?


teagansimari replied 3652 days ago

You are so pretty wouldn't mind being yours :):):)

Aw inbox me please!

teagansimari replied 3653 days ago

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

She would not talk about her ex so much love you chloe

teagansimari replied 3670 days ago 1