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Oh yes, I do. Nt 4 so long, watch de space!
Oh sure, it u! U said u lv me, ryt?
I did nothn much accept workin day2 day. *Wrkholic n goal orientaintd*
Wrk, wt abt u cz u aint no whr 2 B found.
I guess so, dt dearest of cz! Who else cn I fall 4?lol
I nver bn scard 2 tel dt sum whom I lvd or lv her. I nevr will hey!lol
No 1 @ de moment, watch de space! :)
Oh yeah, ask me dt again!lol I'll still tell u dt is MC Rmp
Is dt necessary?lol
Oh nah, dump dt thin. Dnt do dt, Period!Lol
By dose around me n dt I motivate gt 2 hlp demslf on wt dey whr unable 2, n de smile a seeing in lyfs dt I changed
Nah, I hvnt bn chaged yet bt I bn in a cell 4 a day
Hahahaaaa, aftr a marriege of cz on a honeymoon sumwhr in Afrika. Nah, dont think so!
Oh yes, I cnt recal dt clear! I think
Oh yes, will b 27 ka Oct!
Dt I am nt a vigin, kwaakwaa! :)
Oh yes, you hey! *Thinkin*
Kind, capable n