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10 Replies

What do you never trust?

everyone and everything.

thabiee. replied 2732 days ago

Why are you single?

how do u know I'm single???

because I need a loyal bae

thabiee. replied 2823 days ago

What are you bad at ?

Im bad at contolling myself?especially to the niggas I'm talking to now ??

thabiee. replied 2825 days ago

What bad habits do you want to break?

taking random pics

thabiee. replied 2826 days ago

why u soo fiine????

thanks actually idont know why

thabiee. replied 2826 days ago

Hi envy I just wanna ask one question
Are u a boy cos if you are then damn sht u are not that handsome as me

nah fam I'm a girl.......

thabiee. replied 2826 days ago



thabiee. replied 2858 days ago

What is something you need to get off your chest?

nothing really

thabiee. replied 2858 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

some guy called Leeto

thabiee. replied 2858 days ago

What Mood Are You in Right Now?

I'm angry ?

thabiee. replied 2871 days ago