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dont mock me
things, lel
too many
probs you maybe but yeh matt
great bloke
Don't wanna be an American idiot.
the big red car (the wiggles obviously)
great person, attrctive #bbflyf #fknmintingerz
um idk have to be nice and stuff like that but i honestly don't know
bout a 8
basically anyone
peop that i know
he is a great bloke easy to talk to, and a fantastic mate/friends
my Kippah!!
she is really nice and good to talk to!
i cant inbox u if i dont know who you are
who is this? inbox me
hahaha mutual feeling man
yeah have been for my life ;)
if you mean thoughts on: I've known you forever and you've been one of the best friends ever but we don't see each other or speak much any more
hahaha who is this??
she nice, pretty but we dont really talk much
nice and funny and hot
that time
Hey btw its the1999maca
Of course ben is my homeboy and he should know that!
No idea atm sorry
Idk why? Who is this? Inbox me
THE1999MACA get it right jeez
No I haven\'t
That's for me to know
s*ck a Dic*
Which one
Sadly no one