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the blogste


Ask me anything you like anonymously

14 Replies

Jordan potgiter - greasy inbred, have you you ever heard of facewash theblogger2


theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago


The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Seb a josh, wow cough cough GAY theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Love what you doinf. Atleaste one personn has the guts to tell the truth. But you are hidding so that s*cks Who are you

Doing* can't you spell you ****ing retard

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

f***tard . (:

Shut up ashleigh

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago 1

I'm a rock star riping all you f**s off theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Why you such a sad little as*,judging everyone because you have nothing better to do
Lol get a life

Shut up ****er, ill **** you up

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Please stop. What you're doing is wrong. It's bullying. People kill themselves because of this. It's not funny and it won't bring you any higher than them.

Your a f**

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Emrhys - can you get any higher you f***ing dope head theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Seb milner - biggest poser on earth, cough cough f*****

Hunter - needs to stop trying so hard, your not gonna get anywhere looking the way you do

Amy. P do you even eat, jesus theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Justine - omg, could you wear anymore make up. I can't see your noise girl

Megan styles - really pretty

Kirsty - see your becoming more and more of a looser everyday

Dale - nice head bro theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago 1

Savanah - jesus, slu* much

Ashleigh nicol - wow, how much more vain could you get girl

Maria - thinks she's actually friends with you ash, paha

And as for the rest of the grade 8's haha LOOSERS theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Andy reighart*** - truly can't get any girl paha

Brogan - one word, Dic*

Fabian - omg, wish I could explain how hot you were but f*** you are as dumb as horse shi*

Caity and tarryn - LESBO paha, f***ing dykes theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago

Kyron - literally has no social skills what so ever

Alistair - stop trying to be gahm boy, it doesn't suit you

Matt - STILL the grade squint

Dylan - way to cocky

Josh - even cockier than dylan theblogger2

The blogger was here!!!

theblogger2 replied 4255 days ago