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David Phung


Nothing too personal i hope...but knowing how this works, i know it is gonna be personal all the time.

34 Replies

Have you ever had feelings for a friend?

hehehe heaps of times

thelegitdp replied 3691 days ago

sum1 told mi ur 15. tru dat or

umm meyb, meyb not mi thinks i am 17 dis year, turning 18

thelegitdp replied 3695 days ago

What is success to you?

Simply living how i want to with the lifestyle i hope to achieve

thelegitdp replied 3725 days ago

Who makes you happy?

iunno..depends on what kind of person they are, could be anyone or noone at the same time

thelegitdp replied 3775 days ago

How much is enough money for you?

enough to last me my lifetime

thelegitdp replied 3775 days ago

why so gay forrrr x

because my p**** can reach mah butt

thelegitdp replied 3780 days ago

Something you will never be good at?

Hmm...tough question, is there really anything we cant be good in with enough determination and effort? I simply chose to live the relaxed life so I wouldnt need to give a **** about the difficult things in life.

thelegitdp replied 3791 days ago

Who do you share most of your secrets with?

My pubes

thelegitdp replied 3799 days ago

Are you single?

Depends on who's asking ;) but yes...I am single :') single life is THE life :)

thelegitdp replied 3799 days ago

Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

If I had one, I'd make sure they'd be the kind of person I would trust in the first place.

thelegitdp replied 3805 days ago

thoughts on michelle hua?

uhh...iunno ask me in person haha dont wanna be blackmailed about this :)

thelegitdp replied 3810 days ago

Top 5 fave Macrob girls?

Ooohh..tough choice, i'll give initials and you can guess from there ;) 1. J-C Kinda couldnt think of anyone else unfortunately

thelegitdp replied 3814 days ago

Thoughts on the lovely Kim tran Hakuna_matata

hahaha i thought you already knew what we thought at the park? werent we talking about all of this?

thelegitdp replied 3815 days ago

How much is currently in your bank account?

$2.11 i think thats more than enough until i get paid again :)

thelegitdp replied 3815 days ago

how can i get alcoholic drinks?

ask and you shall receive

thelegitdp replied 4328 days ago