A Movie that made you cry?
How to get sweg
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
you know you love me
K send nudes
Something you plan on never doing again?
A guy
how much you love f***ing rarity?
Probably 17 and a half
u r en hueg f**it. u liek gey se* wif reritttieees. go fuk urself f**it MichaelSnider
keely or horse Dic*?
Pony dix
Alexa is a f*****. You're exceptional
Who are your best friends
Rainbow Dash, Justyce and Michael
If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?
Thoughts on dan
Dan is pretty cool but has ears like a dead Hawk and ignores me SO SHE IS f***IN COOl
Name 3 people you trust?
Your mom
matt, plz fuk me. i requir ur litle bich dik. sincerly, why did i say this? oh yeah, the question below MichaelSnider
You wanna ****ing fight, Ill cut your ***** face.
what matthew is this
Your ****ing mom
matt snow?
No you dumb skank
Have you ever been friendzoned?
how many cows have you licked while clicking on farmer pumkin's horse in a minute? MichaelSnider
hey gooby u r an f**et u have no frinds u shud di tumurrru u nub MichaelSnider
thnk you spooderman
is this matt dinardo?
No Matt DN is a *****
Would u ever date me
no keely, ur an f**et
Whos ur bestfriend?
Probably Cows
I hear u like michaels girlfriend ;)
I hear your en f**et