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Potato King


shock horror!

8 Replies

So like its a week from tomorrow.. this crept up real fast o-o Athiril

I know right. Fecking hell it's happeningggg

thepotatoking replied 4156 days ago

How long does it take you to change a light bulb?

DANIEL I KNOW IT'S YOU. joke's on you because it takes me like a minute and half now. yeahhhhhhhh >:D

thepotatoking replied 4158 days ago 4

Best advice you received about relationships?

1) The most important thing in a relationship involving love is communication. 2) Choose your battles. 3) Use your words.

thepotatoking replied 4159 days ago 1

Hail to the potato king! petitpapio


thepotatoking replied 4162 days ago 1

Tender medium rare rib eye steak covered in pan fried mushrooms drizzled with basil and brie pesto and spices sauce :3 Athiril

You know how to make a female crave Team Dinner Party.

thepotatoking replied 4162 days ago 1

I heard Kaname is going :3 Athiril

I know right. Let's take obnoxious photos with him for everyone ohohohoho~

thepotatoking replied 4162 days ago 1

boil em mash em stick em in a stew Athiril

potatoes are eternal.

thepotatoking replied 4162 days ago 2

who would you turn straight for? excluding the guy you wear on your tshirt.

I'll cross that bridge if I ever come to it. But I have no real answer to that question right now. I would probably not go straight for David Bowie actually. I think I'd rather explore his head than his...other head.

thepotatoking replied 4162 days ago 1