Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Why? Because I'm Batman b-) damn straight hey:d
Was ok-cant really remember much of it :) but it was pretty cool :)(y) :P
Why don't you bbm me and ill give you a sincere apology, but for now I'm really sorry that I seem like a bad guy- I really am not ill try make it up to you -just bbm me :)
Sam and I are friends and she and I thought it better to just stay friends, but as long as she's happy I'm happy :)
Sam is not an ex girlfriend :) so I do not think that's possible hey :)
I would actually hey :) depends on who of course :)
Nice and juioy:d
Well blue to lumo yellow and green:D
Tara Ellis :)
Misses shi*man :)
No because I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for my past relationships:)
Why don't you bbm me and I can tell you ?:)
Hahahahahahahahahahah ahhh Tara :) you kill me bi**h :)
Ahhhhhhhahahahahahahah miss you my hockey buddy:D miss you bra;)
Hmmmmmmm well bbm and ill tell you?:P
Well I do actually but I'm not saying names - ask me on bbm and ill tell you :)
Not at anytime recently hey :P but thank you :P
Hahahahahahahahahaa that's the whole point isn't is ? To be annoying 3-|
Why should I ?:)
What question is this?:P
S,U=Shut up leila:P =d yeah3-| what now:P
Depends if the anatomy ened at its eyes :) - probably not but I'd try :|
If I knew what my dp was then I may be able to tell you :)
Uhm that's a pretty difficult question ey but I guess itd b Max, Sammi , Cat , Leah and Kyndra ey :)
I guess I just haven't found the right lady hey :)
I have no idea :s sorry hahaha
Yes I really do/ have wanted a girl that badly
Georgia:) and
Elatdus my best friend :)(y)
Either kynas or nances (y) :d
As much as she loves me :p. She doesn't love me back so I dno 3-|
Spartan chaos will not put the toothpaste lid on agen:) and what can I say about fifa - you we're lucky 3-|
Hahaha thank uu :):) I dno who this is but thank you
Kyndra and geena bean :)(y)
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahhhhh I remember that=)) I can't remember who said this =))X_X
Hahahhahahahahaha I don't think anyones ever asked me that before:) I don't feel I need to answer that:)
I'm from amamzintoti :) in durban :)
It all depends how well I know them - the being indian is not a problem its how well I know her :) so yes I probably wud
I hope that a woman is saying that:P
Quite a funny story actually :P I was stupid in my geo exam and said thermometer was sumthing completely different to wat it is so everyone called me that
All the *exy gals like a certain person that starts wif T;)
Well I am not sure ey I don't know sum girls well enuf ;) but soon I hope :);)
Thank u very much:) I'd love to know who said that=P
I am currently single to mingle:)
Depends on whose asking?:)
Natalie ignored me so u can't like sum1 that ignores u? So I learnt
Hmm :) tanyas quite an amazing gal:P I wud definitely say I like her :);)
Why on earth wud u ask that?:P hmmmmm that's a tough question:P just maybe ey ;)
Of course I'm a player - I play cricket and hockey:P no I'm not a player :)
I like this one girl ey - natalie da silva :)
Not taking my oppurtunities wen I had the chance
No I consider myself as an average person not hot - that's narcissistic :)
I haven thought about that but I really do not know
No1 ey I'm single to mingle!
Sporty funny happy