jou eyebrows is so "on fleek"? wax jy of pluk jy hulle??
Aawww dankie❤️My vel is te dun om te wax so ek pluk?
wat is jou gunsteling kos en koeldrank* ⚡
Koeldrank-Ek weer nie,coke??
Gee my n goeie instagram caption?? want ek is mal oor joune?
DM my??en dankie❤️
Hoekom is jy DHS toe?❤?
Daars baie redes ❤️
Ek love jou hond??
Ek ook????
Ons almal weet jy qooh me jouself
True?nee jk ek doen rerig nie?
Hope that made you feel better about yourself??
What makes you happy?
Jack hou mee van my as van jou Karlinvt
You wish?
Hoe labk ry jy nou al perd?♥️
Jy ry amazing btw
Amper 2 jaar❤️
Baie dankie??
Future olympic perde ruiter jy se??
Nee?Maar baie dankie❤️
Franco Stassen?
Goeie chom chom??
Luister jy nog twenty one pilots?? Marlii_Coetzee
Uh duh??(goed gedoen Marli met di naam hide??)
Oh girl??nee ek joke niemand rrg ni
Jyss hawttt gurll ??
Eks seker jys ok?❤️Thanks persoon??
What is your favorite place to visit?Xx ps your pretty?
Uhm probably the horses?And thanks I'm sure you're beautiful?❤️
Jys so beautiful girl??
Thanks jy❤️?Seker jys nog mooier❤️
Looking for love right now??
Nah unless the right person comes along?♀️
If i dm you,will you give me your number?
Your body is amazing girl?
Noo?But thank you❤️?
Fave place to eat?
You are such an amazing person! Stay that way please???
Awww❤️I'm sure you're amazinger??
Daddy of pappa?
Jys beutiful sussaQ
Jys beautifuller sussa(my mensie)?❤️
Wat doen jy om sulke kuite te verdien??
Ekt nie kuite maar dankie??❤️
Jou eyebrows is on fleek???
Ek weet?Nee jk dankie?❤️
Jack is jou favorite
Jy weet mos?
Pizzaa of Coke ??