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Tiara Hutcheson


Kiss my ask :* ;)

148 Replies

Youre so pretty :0 heathermarie

Aha thank you Heather, && so are you! <3

tiarahutcheson replied 3989 days ago

ht on pat garrie

Uh, honestly never talked to him til the other day in p.e... He seems really nice and chill. Apparently we have the same birthday? Haha

tiarahutcheson replied 3990 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

Cody, shay, My baby brother, my mom and my dad. And a few others.

tiarahutcheson replied 3991 days ago

Why are people on this site so rude to you! You are so nice pretty funny sweet and a great friend. don't listen to everyone else, you are beautiful and i love you!

I'm not really sure.. But thank you.

tiarahutcheson replied 3991 days ago

How the heck are your eyelashes so long?

Mascara my dear. Mascara.

tiarahutcheson replied 3991 days ago

Aren;t you and Cody at a year yet? It seems like you guys have been together forever!

Almost! We are like two weeks away ! :)

tiarahutcheson replied 3991 days ago

So whats your favourite nickname you have ever gotten

Umm tbh, probably Tia. Its simple, short and to the point. Aha

tiarahutcheson replied 3995 days ago

we've never talked but I just read some of ur answers and u seem so down to earth and easy to get along with and I hope ur ok because u seem like uve got a lot going on I'm glad u have cody to get u through it u seem so good foreach other:)

We should talk some time! :) thank you so much. I do have an attitude, but who doesn't? Hah and thank you! Inbox me! You seem really nice & down to earth too!

tiarahutcheson replied 3995 days ago

its okay, im actually sorry

Maybe inbox me some time and we can swap stories. Nothing is easy for anyone to get through, especially when/if you go through it alone. :)

tiarahutcheson replied 3996 days ago

who did you date when you went to Northdale?

I wouldn't classify any of it as dating really... Hah.

tiarahutcheson replied 3996 days ago

you dont know what pain is till youve experienced what the fuuck ive had to go through

Well. By the sounds if it, I don't know your story, and you don't know mine. So let's call it quits and stop wasting our time. Im sorry if I offended you.

tiarahutcheson replied 3996 days ago

you have been the biggest drama queen ever since northdale. honestly like you overreeact to everything. smoke a ****ing joint and get that lump out of ur as*

I can admit to being a *****, and a bit of a drama queen. Hell, if you went through half if what I did maybe you would see why. I stand up for what I believe and what I feel. If thats 'drama' to you, sweetie get your facts straight. At least I love my life and don't need to smoke a joint to enjoy my day. And i don't hide behind a screen and make myself look pathetic for putting other people down. :)

tiarahutcheson replied 3996 days ago

I miss you tiara your just an amazing person!

Thank you! :) you too <3

tiarahutcheson replied 3996 days ago

Do you remember the time Gretchen got diarrhea in Barnes and Noble?

Uhh.. Who the heck is Gretchen?

tiarahutcheson replied 3998 days ago

But youv never wonderd if it mite be fun to be with someone else?


tiarahutcheson replied 4023 days ago