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55 Replies

do you miss Taymah Henley ?

Well tbh, yes I do but I'll never get it back.

timmins10 replied 3748 days ago

You sad c*nt, I can't believe that you would use Taymah for a root, you are so f*cking sad.

Any hole is a goal ;) bet you wouldn't say this to my face because you know there will be a head but waittinf for you :).

timmins10 replied 3996 days ago

Are you taking Taymah Henley back ?
She's not with her other boy and if you took her back mmm get roots mmm

Eeww. No only there for a root

timmins10 replied 3997 days ago

Its funny how you say you still love Jayde but you hooked up with Taymah and you told her you loved her , made her break up with Scott because she thought she was gonna get you back , wow that's low and you don't even like her.. You "love Jayde or her.


timmins10 replied 4010 days ago

What's the go with you and Kamoe ? are you tuning her.. **** didn't you just break up with your ex ? Oh and you made Scott break up with his girlfriend. Hahahahaha that's good as man she's banging


timmins10 replied 4010 days ago

**** up **** no one likes ya xo

Good on your jayde.

timmins10 replied 4014 days ago

You deserve better , half your ex's are crap actually 2 of them are alright and really dude just stay single or wait till a girl comes to you don't go to them

Aww thanks, should inbox me who this is :)

timmins10 replied 4016 days ago

low life dog.

What of it

timmins10 replied 4017 days ago

did you even like make love with her ?
Did you root her dude or...

I love her bro, and nah we didn't

timmins10 replied 4017 days ago

She hasn't ****ed anyone leave her alone he's the one who fkd up claare97

Am I now

timmins10 replied 4017 days ago

Jaydes already ****ed 3 guys ahhahaha how do you feel ****

Like ****. Now.

timmins10 replied 4017 days ago

You and Jayde are done hey?


timmins10 replied 4017 days ago

**** yes you and jayde are done! she is too good for you anyways she could do better you treat her like ****!!! im the one that she ends up crying to nearly every night she loves you mate but i dont see why? you used her we all know it bro

Thats what you think

timmins10 replied 4017 days ago

so you and Jayde or done over? for good now or...?

Yea buds.

timmins10 replied 4018 days ago

Jayde is so much better without you , all good though you'll find another girl in 2 weeks for will you just **** her over aswell , oh I bet you're happy now you can tell girls how bad you wanna **** em. Low life diccck head cun.t

Hahaha I bet you want have the balls to inbox me.

timmins10 replied 4018 days ago